Saturday, October 11, 2014

Social Media Mixer is Rockin' @ Sew Crafty Angel

Welcome to the 20th week of the Social Media Mixer!
Thank you to everyone who joined us for Week 19 - we had 106 blogs and numerous social media link-ups!
Social Media Mixer-2
The Social Media Mixer is all about networking and making connections. Also, you can gain exposure and increase your social media following! Link up your blog posts and social media accounts and mix it up with some of the other linkers. Each week, the Weekday Mixer will start on Saturday nights at 8:00pm and go on until Wednesday nights at 11:59pm. A blog post will be chosen each week by each of the hosts and guest hosts and featured in the following week’s link-up! If chosen, a brief summary about yourself and your blog/website and all of your social media accounts will be featured. It’s a great way to stand out among the crowd! One blogger will be chosen for 2 weeks of free ad space on Epic Mommy Adventures!

Welcome your hosts!

SMM Hosts Aug 2014 (1)
Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures | Angel from Sew Crafty Angel | Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise | Julia from Minivan Dreams | | Liz from Look by Liz Lewis | Kaitlyn from Three Sisters and Us | Shana from Technotini | Anni from Grapefruit Princess | Tiffany from Mrs Tee Love Life Laughter | Ce Ce from A Chicago Mom | Jillian from Baby Doodah | Holly from Southern Mom Loves

And welcome your guest hosts for October!

Melissa from The Coupon Chronicles | Meghan from Life with Peanut | Alycia from Crazily Normal | Heather from Krafts and Kiddos | Crystal from Finding Crystal | Tina from The Happy Creations

And here are the Featured bloggers from last week's Social Media Mixer...

Heather chose...

Burlap and Polka Dot Halloween Banner from Shambray Live a Happy Life

Polka Dot Burlap Halloween Banner
I absolutely LOVE this time of year! I love the cooler weather and the clothes that is brings (jackets and boots especially), I love the holidays that happen in Fall, and I love the decor. I am so excited to share this tutorial with you today. The other night I had a craft night with my friend. She proclaims to not be crafty. I do not believe it, but that is what she says. So I wanted to see how she did on this craft. I asked my husband after she left and he told me that her banner looked just as good as mine! So there you have it. This craft can be done by the self-proclaimed non-crafty people. I promise!

Meghan and Alycia chose...

Confessions of an Imperfect Mom from All Of Life's Little Adventures

Y'all know I like to keep it real around here, and lately I have been finding myself feeling guilty quite often for a lot of the parenting choices I make. Deep down I know I am a good mom, my child is loved, she is never hungry and has a roof over her head with a warm and cozy bed to sleep in every night, so why do I let the mom guilt come over me? For me, Mom guilt is the hardest part about parenting, I often journal about this topic and I have come to realize that there is a common denominator in all of the guilt, that being social media. Comparisons. Measuring up.

Cathy chose...

Pecan Cornmeal Pancakes Recipe with Homemade Caramel Sauce from The Gold Lining Girl

It’s easy for me to find inspiration for fall recipes. I think about fall food, and it brings to mind many of my favorite things: pecans, butterscotch, caramel, pumpkin (duh), honeycrisp apples… you get the picture. For me, it also conjures up cornbread. I don’t know why… maybe because cornbread dressing is a Thanksgiving staple? And I definitely associate fall with Thanksgiving? But now I’m getting ahead of myself. It’s only September (but almost October!! Omg).

Crystal chose...

The Fear Of Relapsing from PPMD News

This week, the fear of relapsing is VERY real for me. I was lucky enough to get a scholarship that allowed me 10 sessions with a therapist that has a lot of experience with postpartum mood disorders. This last Thursday was my last therapy appointment. I had mixed feelings about that day. I was excited because I feel like I am recovered and I know I wont miss the long drive (it was about 2 1/2-3 hours round trip). But I was (and still am) terrified. If I relapse, I can’t work through it with my therapist. I am very lucky that she set us up for success and went above and beyond what she had to do. But that fear is still there.

Jillian chose...

Mommy and Me Quality Time Challenge from Life's Little Projects

This is a mommy and me quality time challenge. I am learning to budget my time, prioritize the things that are most important to me and ways my kids and I can spend some real quality time together. I don’t mean every minute of the day just some quality time each day. I want to connect with my kids. I would love for them to grow up and feel like we have a great relationship and they had a great childhood. I don’t think you need to plan every minute of your kids day with fun activities. I do think they need a variety of independent play and quality time with parents. I hope you come along for the ride and join in on the fun.

Holly chose...

Striped Pillows from FabiFabu

These were a pair of curtain panels that were used for a short period by a family member, and were given to me for recycling. I put the fabric away for a while, until I decided what to do with it. One of the panels, was missing a piece of fabric, and I could not use it again as a curtain, I decided to make some pillows for the living room`s vintage mid-century sofa. This is an IKEA fabric, sold by the yard.

Tiffany chose...

How To Get A Tattoo - Tattoo Inspiration from The Organizing Boutique

I have a routine for how to get a tattoo. Yep, you read that correctly. :) I'm a professional organizer, and I'm a creature of habit. Once I do something a few times, a pattern emerges, I recognize it and the system gets established. Tattoos are no exception, so here are some of my tattoo inspiration and routine tips. Enjoy and please don't hesitate to ask me any questions. Okay? Rock on!

Angel chose...

A Lesson in Matthew: Enough is Enough from Raising Samuels Homeschool

Today, I am posting at Satisfaction Through Christ. I wanted to start this out with a disclaimer that I am not a psychologist or therapist or an expert on the subject I am discussing below. I am speaking from my heart. If you have an issue happening where someone is physically or emotionally hurting you, reach out to someone who can help you. This can be a trusted friend or family member or someone at your church, and they can direct you to the right resource.

Ce Ce chose...

Spice Your Neutral Nails-Book Style from Shambray

Book Page Fingernails
It is known that I love neutral nails. I like them plain, but I also like to spice them up a bit. Since I am a book person I decided to try transferring words from the newspaper to my nails. It is really easy.

Shana chose...

The World Around Me {#FTSF} from 100lb Countdown

I open my garage door to a quiet cul-de-sac. I catch a glimpse of a car passing by the adjoining street, but otherwise don’t hear anything. My daughter is screaming out Almost There at the top of her lungs… and since I’m the good SAHM, I’m belting out the lyrics too. I tend to think I have a good voice, but thankfully, there doesn’t seem to be anyone around to let me know that I’m wrong.

Anni chose...

Man Boobs from Living in Mommywood

October is upon us and aside from the crisp signs of Autumn, the spotting of beautiful leaves on the trees as they change colors, the great smell of Pumpkin this and that in the air, the sales of huge candy bags for Halloween it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

And the winner is...

Confessions of an Imperfect Mom from All Of Life's Little Adventures

Congratulations!! You have won 2 weeks of free ad space on Epic Mommy Adventures! Please e-mail Natasha at for more information on your free ad space.

Stop by and follow our featured bloggers! We're sure you'll love them as much as we do!
If you were featured above, feel free to share the badge below with pride on your blog or website!
Social Media Mixer
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Social Media Mixer" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Social Media Mixer" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Are you ready to start mixing it up?? Then, let's go!

Make sure to add the button below to your sidebar to invite even more people to join the fun!
Epic Mommy Adventures
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
  blog header
facebook header 2
1. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  34. Patsy @ HeARTworks  
2. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Co-Host)  35. OUr Peaceful Planet : Ideas for a Happier Healthier Life  
3. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Co-Host)  36. Alex B. @ Funky Jungle  
4. Julia @ Mini Van Dreams (Co-Host)  37. My World As A Mommy | Facebook  
5. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Co-Host)  38. Christin @ Manicures & Extra Sprinkles  
6. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Co-Host)  39. Aleney @ BoyEatsWorld  
7. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (Co-Host)  40. April@Adventures With The Cronks  
8. Ce Ce @ A Chicago Mom (Co-Host)  41. Simple Nails and Beauty  
9. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (Co-Host)  42. Bonnie @ Adalinc To Life  
10. Holly @ Southern Mom Loves (Co-Host)  43. Olivia @ 10 Years and On a Weight Loss Journey  
11. Jillian @ Baby Doodah! (Co-Host)  44. Pleasures of the Northwest  
12. Shana @ Technotini (Co-Host)  45. HFern Original Photography  
13. Heather @ Krafts & Kiddos (Guest Host)  46. The Gluten Free Gourmet  
14. Melissa @ The Coupon Chronicles (Guest Host)  47. Natural Beautisms and Flappings In Life  
15. Tina @ The Happy Creations (GuestHost)  48. That's Mashed Up on FB  
16. Crystal @ Finding Crystal (Guest Host)  49. lorna mai  
17. Meghan @ Life with Peanut (Guest Host)  50. Gail @ Frugal and Coupon Crazy  
18. Alycia @ Crazily Normal (Guest Host)  51. Shaunacey @ Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy  
19. Domain of the Mad Mommy  52. Sandy's P.O.V.  
20. Meaghan @ 4 Sons 'R' Us  53. Jennifer @ Mommy Life After PhD  
21. Mom's Small Victories  54. Vashti QuirozVega Author Page  
22. Motherhood Through My Eyes  55. The Basement Fan Page (Follow Back)  
23. Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom  56. Cindy@somewhereintimelinens  
24. Angela @simply design  57. Rosevine Cottage Girls  
25. Cindy @ Psycho Suzy's Crazy Life  58. Lou Lou girls  
26. Savanna @ Rose Uncaged  59. Shambray  
27. Leslie @ The Crafty Side Of Sarcasm  60. Avie @ All Things Avie  
28. Amanda @ The Anti Mom Blog  61. A Fresh Start  
29. Ramblings of a Southern Angel  62. Annie @ Annie's Noms  
30. Melissa Kaylene  63. Joyce @ LIveLaughLovePost  
31. Redo It Yourself Inspirations  64. Practical Princess Diaries  
32. Tawnya @ All Of Life's Little Adventures  65. Health Matters. Life Matters.  
33. Natalie Loves Beauty  66. Trine @ Creative Pink Butterfly  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
pin header 2
1. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  33. Alex B. @ Funky Jungle  
2. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Co-Host)  34. My World As A Mommy |Twitter  
3. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Co-Host)  35. Christin @ Manicures & Extra Sprinkles  
4. Julia @ Mini Van Dreams (Co-Host)  36. Aleney @ BoyEatsWorld  
5. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Co-Host)  37. Simple Nails and Beauty  
6. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Co-Host)  38. Not a Trophy Wife  
7. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (Co-Host)  39. Bonnie @ Adalinc3  
8. Ce Ce @ A Chicago Mom (Co-Host)  40. Marie @ Healthy Happy Holy Home  
9. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (Co-Host)  41. Olivia @ 10 Years and On a Weight Loss Journey  
10. Holly @ Southern Mom Loves (Co-Host)  42. Helen @ Pleasures of the Northwest  
11. Jillian @ Baby Doodah! (Co-Host)  43. That's Mashed Up on Pinterest  
12. Shana @ Technotini (Co-Host)  44. Annamaria @ Bakewell Junction  
13. Heather @ Krafts & Kiddos (Guest Host)  45. Shaunacey @ Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy  
14. Melissa @ The Coupon Chronicles (Guest Host)  46. Sandy @ Sandy's P.O.V.  
15. Tina @ The Happy Creations (GuestHost)  47. Joan @ Nicer Than New  
16. Crystal @ Finding Crystal (Guest Host)  48. Fantasy Angels Series  
17. Meghan @ Life with Peanut (Guest Host)  49. Short Stories on Pinterest  
18. Alycia @ Crazily Normal (Guest Host)  50. Cindy @MyHillStHaven  
19. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy  51. Julie's Lifestyle  
20. Meaghan @ 4 Sons 'R' Us  52. Rosevine Cottage Girls  
21. Mom's Small Victories  53. Lou Lou girls  
22. My Recent Favorite books  54. Shambray  
23. Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom  55. Avie @ All Things Avie  
24. Cindy @ Psycho Suzy's Crazy Life  56. A Fresh Start  
25. Mila@Mila's Little Things  57. Annie @ Annie's Noms  
26. Leslie @ The Crafty Side Of Sarcasm  58. Joyce @ LIveLaughLovePost  
27. Amanda @ The Anti Mom Blog  59. Practical Princess Diaries  
28. Ramblings of a Southern Angel  60. Connie @ Connie Albers  
29. Robin @ Redo it yourself inspirations  61. Alexis @ Health Matters. Life Matters  
30. Natalie Loves Beauty  62. Trine @ Creative Pink Butterfly  
31. Patsy @ HeARTworks  63. Nikki @ MBAsahm  
32. Our Peaceful Planet : Ideas for a Happier Healthier Life  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
twitter header
1. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  30. Natalie Loves Beauty  
2. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Co-Host)  31. Patsy @ HeARTworks  
3. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Co-Host)  32. OUr Peaceful Planet : Ideas for a Happier Healthier Life  
4. Julia @ Mini Van Dreams (Co-Host)  33. Alex B. @ Funky Jungle  
5. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Co-Host)  34. My World As A Mommy |Twitter  
6. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Co-Host)  35. Christin @ Manicures & Extra Sprinkles  
7. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (Co-Host)  36. BoyEatsWorld  
8. Ce Ce @ A Chicago Mom (Co-Host)  37. Simple Nails and Beauty  
9. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (Co-Host)  38. Marie @ CrossStitchCafe  
10. Holly @ Southern Mom Loves (Co-Host)  39. Mari @ Living in Mommywood  
11. Jillian @ Baby Doodah! (Co-Host)  40. Olivia @ 10 Years and On a Weight Loss Journey  
12. Shana @ Technotini (Co-Host)  41. That's Mashed Up on Twitter  
13. Heather @ Krafts & Kiddos (Guest Host)  42. Gail Akeman  
14. Melissa @ The Coupon Chronicles (Guest Host)  43. Annamaria @ Bakewell Junction  
15. Tina @ The Happy Creations (GuestHost)  44. Shaunacey @ Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy  
16. Crystal @ Finding Crystal (Guest Host)  45. Sandy @ Sandy's P.O.V.  
17. Alycia @ Crazily Normal (Guest Host)  46. Joan @ Nicer Than New  
18. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy  47. Belle Brita  
19. Meaghan @ 4 Sons 'R' Us  48. Vashti's Tweets  
20. Brittany @ The Realistic Optimist  49. Cindy @MyHillStHaven  
21. Mom's Small Victories  50. Julie's Lifestyle  
22. (Motherhood Through My Eyes) Fatima  51. Rosevine Cottage Girls  
23. Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom  52. Shambray  
24. Cindy @ Psycho Suzy's Crazy Life  53. Avie @ All Things Avie  
25. Mila@Mila's Little Things  54. A Fresh Start  
26. Leslie @ The Crafty Side Of Sarcasm  55. Annie @ Annie's Noms  
27. Amanda @ The Anti Mom Blog  56. Joyce @ LIveLaughLovePost  
28. Angel Shrout  57. Practical Princess Diaries  
29. Robin @ Redo it yourself inspirations  58. Alexis @ Health Matters. Life Matters  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
1. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  25. Amanda @ The Anti Mom Blog  
2. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Co-Host)  26. Angel Shrout  
3. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Co-Host)  27. Redo It Yourself Inspirations  
4. Julia @ Mini Van Dreams (Co-Host)  28. Tawnya @ All Of Life's Little Adventures  
5. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Co-Host)  29. Natalie Loves Beauty  
6. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Co-Host)  30. Patsy @ HeARTworks  
7. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (Co-Host)  31. Alex B. @ Funky Jungle  
8. Ce Ce @ A Chicago Mom (Co-Host)  32. Christin @ Manicures & Extra Sprinkles  
9. Holly @ Southern Mom Loves (Co-Host)  33. Simple Nails and Beauty  
10. Jillian @ Baby Doodah! (Co-Host)  34. Mari @ Living in Mommywood  
11. Shana @ Technotini (Co-Host)  35. That's Mashed Up on Bloglovin'  
12. Heather @ Krafts & Kiddos (Guest Host)  36. Sandy's P.O.V.  
13. Melissa @ The Coupon Chronicles (Guest Host)  37. Uncompromising!  
14. Crystal @ Finding Crystal (Guest Host)  38. Joan @ Nicer Than New  
15. Meghan @ Life with Peanut (Guest Host)  39. Vashti's Bloglovin' Blog (Follow Back)  
16. Alycia @ Crazily Normal (Guest Host)  40. Cindy @MyHillStHaven  
17. Domain of the Mad Mommy  41. Julie's Lifestyle  
18. Mom's Small Victories  42. Rosevine Cottage Girls  
19. Motherhood Through My Eyes  43. Lou Lou girls  
20. Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom  44. Shhambray  
21. Cindy @ Psycho Suzy's Crazy Life  45. Avie @ All Things Avie  
22. Mila@Mila's Little Things  46. A Fresh Start  
23. Faith & Sierra @Winks and Eyerolls  47. Annie @ Annie's Noms  
24. Leslie @ The Crafty Side Of Sarcasm  48. Trine @ Creative Pink Butterfly  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
1. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  24. Mila@Mila's Little Things  
2. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Co-Host)  25. Leslie @ The Crafty Side Of Sarcasm  
3. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Co-Host)  26. Amanda @ The Anti Mom Blog  
4. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Co-Host)  27. Angel Shrout  
5. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Co-Host)  28. Robin @ Redo it yourself inspirations  
6. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (Co-Host)  29. Natalie Loves Beauty  
7. Ce Ce @ A Chicago Mom (Co-Host)  30. Patsy @ HeARTworks  
8. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (Co-Host)  31. Alex B. @ Funky Jungle  
9. Holly @ Southern Mom Loves (Co-Host)  32. Aleney @ BoyEatsWorld  
10. Jillian @ Baby Doodah! (Co-Host)  33. Simple Nails and Beauty  
11. Shana @ Technotini (Co-Host)  34. Sandy @ Sandy's P.O.V.  
12. Heather @ Krafts & Kiddos (Guest Host)  35. Joan @ Nicer Than New  
13. Melissa @ The Coupon Chronicles (Guest Host)  36. Julie's Lifestyle  
14. Crystal @ Finding Crystal (Guest Host)  37. Lou Lou girls  
15. Meghan @ Life with Peanut (Guest Host)  38. Shambray  
16. Alycia @ Crazily Normal (Guest Host)  39. Avie @ All Things Avie  
17. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy  40. A Fresh Start  
18. Brittany @ The Realistic Optimist  41. Annie @ Annie's Noms  
19. Tanya @ Mom's Small Victories  42. katie @ How to Make the Sun Shine  
20. Motherhood Through My Eyes  43. Alexis @ Health Matters. Life Matters  
21. Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom  44. Trine @ Creative Pink Butterfly  
22. Angela @simply design  45. Nikki @ MBAsahm  
23. Cindy @ Psycho Suzy's Crazy Life  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
1. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  22. Ramblings of a Southern Angel  
2. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Co-Host)  23. Robin @ Redo it yourself inspirations  
3. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Co-Host)  24. Tawnya @ All Of Life's Little Adventures  
4. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Co-Host)  25. Natalie Loves Beauty  
5. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Co-Host)  26. Patsy @ HeARTworks  
6. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (Co-Host)  27. Simple Nails and Beauty  
7. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (Co-Host)  28. Mari @ Living in Mommywood  
8. Holly @ Southern Mom Loves (Co-Host)  29. Olivia @ 10 Years and On a Weight Loss Journey  
9. Jillian @ Baby Doodah! (Co-Host)  30. That's Mashed Up on Google Plus  
10. Heather @ Krafts & Kiddos (Guest Host)  31. Annamaria @ Bakewell Junction  
11. Melissa @ The Coupon Chronicles (Guest Host)  32. Sandy @ Sandy's P.O.V.  
12. Tina @ The Happy Creations (GuestHost)  33. Joan @ Nicer Than New  
13. Crystal @ Finding Crystal (Guest Host)  34. Julie's Lifestyle  
14. Alycia @ Crazily Normal (Guest Host)  35. Rosevine Cottage Girls  
15. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy  36. Lou Lou girls  
16. Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom  37. Shambray  
17. Fatima @Motherhood Through My Eyes  38. A Fresh Start  
18. Mila@Mila's Little Things  39. Annie @ Annie's Noms  
19. Cindy @ Psycho Suzy's Crazy Life  40. Practical Princess Diaries  
20. Leslie @ The Crafty Side Of Sarcasm  41. Nikki @ MBAsahm  
21. Amanda @ The Anti Mom Blog  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Do you have another social media account that is not mentioned above? Then, link it up here! Make sure to put the social media type in parentheses. 

Ex. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (StumbleUpon)

If there are enough links from one type, I will include as a separate list on next week's post.

1. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (Sverve)  15. Holly @ Southern Mom Loves (NetworkedBlogs)  
2. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (Etsy)  16. Crystal @ Finding Crystal (LinkedIn)  
3. Anni @ Grapefruit Princess ReLoaded (LinkedIn)  17. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy (Sverve)  
4. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (Flickr)  18. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy (StumbleUpon)  
5. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (Foursquare)  19. Motherhood Through My Eyes - Fatima  
6. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (LinkedIn)  20. Amanda @ The Anti Mom Blog (YouTube)  
7. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (StumbleUpon)  21. Natalie Loves Beauty (YouTube)  
8. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (Tumblr)  22. Marie @ Healthy Happy Holy Home  
9. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (LinkedIn)  23. Sandy @ Sandy's P.O.V.  
10. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (StumbleUpon)  24. Sandy @ Sandy's P.O.V.  
11. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Sverve)  25. Vashti Quiroz-Vega (Tumblr)  
12. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (LinkedIn)  26. Vashti's Amazon Author Page  
13. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Tumblr)  27. Vashti Quiroz-Vega (StumbleUpon)  
14. Tiffany @ MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter (YouTube)  28. VOTE for The Basement on Goodreads Lists  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

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