Saturday, December 14, 2013

Baby It's Cold Outside

This is what I woke up to this morning at about 6am.
This is the view from our bedroom window.

The kids couldn't wait to go outside so I was drug out still
in my pajamas.  By 6:05 we were outside knee deep in snow.
But I didn't want to miss anything.

Here my little dog tried to run but fell iin the snow.

My little guys learning to make a snowman.
Do you like my outfit, lol. Doesn't everybody go play in the
now in 10 degree weather in paper thin pants?
Like I said, I didn't want to miss a thing with the kids
and they are not very good at waiting when there's snow to play in.

Having a blast,


  1. So beautiful!! I absolutely love these pictures!! I'm smiling from ear to ear.

  2. Beautiful photos Angel, your little boy is such a cutie and looks like he is enjoying the snow just as much as you. ;-) I wish we had snow here in Ireland, it always makes Christmas so very special. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Oh and pj's are a definite must for playtime in the snow. xx

  3. Absolut gorgeous photos, and sooo amazing, that you´re actually having snow before us this year, that is definitely different, but I must admit, I don´t envy you one second either ha ha ha. I can almost feel the cold there.
    And I must say, I absolutely LOVE your outfit ha ha ha ha, but would recomend, that you maybe wore a bit more next time, if you´ll avoid to get a cold here just before christmas ha ha ha.
    have a wonderful day in the snow.

  4. Great pics! It looks so pretty. : )

  5. My husband was shoveling the driveway in his pj's this morning. :) We've got the same view as you do!

  6. Oh, so cold! looks like the little one is going to have plenty of snow to practice making snowmen!

  7. Wow, you sure got a lot of snow. It is so beautiful but boy can it cause trouble if you have to be out in it. Kids love to get out in it and play I know I did when I was young. Happy Holidays!

  8. Aww lovely pictures, Merry Christmas. Thanks for sharing at WW :) my kids keep looking for the snow but it don't look like we will get any for Christmas ...

  9. We are getting more snow today! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  10. Your snow is beautiful! We had a great snow, too :) Stay warm!

  11. Your snow is beautiful! We had a great snow, too :) Stay warm!
