Sunday, January 18, 2015

Journey to Organization

I've started working on my resolution to get my life organized.
I always have notes everywhere so I decided to start keeping a great daily planner
that would be functional and where I could be creative too.
I have boxes of journaling and planner materials but I never seem to 
have the time to be in my craft room to accomplish anything.  
Then I had lightbulb moment.  

Hubby had this old push cart tucked away in our garage.  
It's a great size, has wheels that work great and it's free.

I purchased 2 cans of pink spray paint and today was an awesome 
50 degree January day so I started painting.

My new mobile planner / journaling center.

 I can roll it anywhere in my house.  
So I can spend time with my family and be creative too.
I love it.  
(hubby says he likes the pink color so much that I can keep it forever)

 The containers are just things I had already so I'm giving them new life.

I love Washi tape and I have this little cubby spot up top for using now and
underneath the cart I added a wood rod just sitting on the little side brackets
for extra tape storage.

My daughter gave me a lovely pink planner for Christmas and now
I'm going to enjoy using it.
Displaying 20150118_194447-1.jpg

I've just barely started to organized my planner/journal
with the topics I want but I will show you my afternoon start up.

I'm going to enjoy my journey to organization.

More to come........



  1. EXCELLENT - what a fabulous make-over - great colour and super efficient :-D xx

  2. Wow - it's terrific! I love that you repurposed all those boxes. I always tell people "use what you have," especially at first. You can always go back and spend money on containers later (though you probably won't.) I also love that the cart is on wheels. This works so well for crafts, and also for a homework station, a mobile office, or a wrapping station. Most excellent!

  3. What a great find from your own house! I love finding forgotten treasures in my garage and attic. The pink is fabulous and I am so jealous of your organizational skills! I am working on purging stuff from my house so it can be even more organized too!

  4. I love this transformation! Of course, pink is my favorite color. I'd love for you to stop by and share it tonight at Totally Terrific Tuesday! The party starts at 10pm!

  5. I am so jealous *pouts* I wanna cart like yours! You did an awesome job on it, Hun {{{hugz}}} . With everything that you have been doing I thought you were Organized. You are my Role model in real life hun. Keep it up Girlfriend!!!

  6. This is so neat and creative! Love these kind of DIYs, great inspiration Angel :)

  7. Amen, all praise... thank you! Needed this!

  8. That came out really cute! I love all the pink!

  9. I love the pink dolor and the organization so far looks great!

  10. I love that color pink. And organization is such a challenge sometimes.

  11. So cute! Love how you put this all together! Great job!

  12. Very organized! Love the cheery colors!! Wow!

  13. you know I am going to be looking high and low for that cart. I would love it if you would share this inspirational post at our WIW Linky party. I hope you can join us.


  14. I think I have been on a journey to organize my entire life! The cart is really cute! Thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog hop!

  15. organization make me smile. Love the pink cart and everything fits perfectly xoxo

  16. Stopping by from Sunday's Best linkup. I love this idea and especially the fact that it's mobile. This would be great for holding my scrapbooking supplies when I'm working on a book. Thanks for sharing.

  17. You brought the cutest thing to our party! Thank you. Pinned and tweeted. We feel honored that you take the time to stop by our party. I hope to see you on tonight at 7 pm. We love to party with you! Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls

  18. This is fantastic! Great idea! It's nice to have al your crafty stuff in one spot. I'm going to share this. Thanks for linking this up at Totally Terrific Tuesday last week. It goes live tonight at 9pm CST. Can't wait to see what else you have to share! Hope to see you there!


  19. I purchased a cart exactly like that in the Spring...I was going to use it for gardening but something told me to hold off on that....Now I realize what I'm going to do with it...My large crafting area will love this!

  20. What a great idea! I totally need something like that too. Love how you added the extra wash tape rod underneath.

  21. Such a brilliant makeover.. I think I need one of those!! Thank you for sharing with OMHG Wordless Wednesday Link Party.. Have a great day, co-host Evija @Fromevijawithlove x

  22. You chose the perfect color for your project and it turned out great. Great to have a place to hold all your craft supplies. The ribbon holder works well too!! I sure do need to redue my craft room.

    Thanks for sharing this week on Oh My Heartsie Girl WW.
    Hope you enjoy your day!

  23. I love that gumball machine. It's so cute! And you are well on your way to getting organized. Hope you have a great day!

  24. That cart is awesome, but I think the pink makes it even more special!

  25. This is a great makeover! I love upcycling!

  26. These are some great ideas for getting organized, I will start mine right after the holidays are over.

  27. What a really great way to reuse that old cart. It's super cute and functional too.

  28. WHat a great way to get started on the new year.

  29. I think the pink color is uplifting and cheerful and you have everything in one place so it is handy. I got myself organized last year and I have found life is much easier. Good luck with the organizing. I still have a lot of my children's old toys to give to my homeless shelter next year.

  30. I really like your little cart. One of my goals for 2016 is to be more organized. This is a great way to start.

  31. Organization in my home is not my strong suit but I can go to someone else's and organize with no trouble. I think in my home I have too many distractions.

  32. What an awesome idea! I can sure use organization skills! My mom did come this past year, and help me organize my kitchen so it's much better and easier to find things!

  33. Excellent cart! What an organized idea! Thanks for sharing!

  34. Your cart turned out great. What a great idea. You did well

  35. Terrific idea! I am so going to use this!

  36. WOW-awesome! Love the idea of the cart on wheels...makes so much sense!

  37. I think this is a great idea. It looks very neat and you have everything at your fingertips. Thank you so much for sharing this great idea

  38. Love these kind of DIYs. Great inspiration!

  39. i like that idea i need you to ocme here and re do my room

  40. I appreciate these great ideas on organization. I will try to use these to help in my life.

  41. What a creative way to use that. I need to keep an eye out for a cart like that.

  42. What a creative way to use that. I need to keep an eye out for a cart like that.

  43. I want to get organized this year too! I love what you did with this!! I have to come up with something for we moved to a smaller house and I used to have so much more space. I have to downsize but I still have my stuff!! Thanks for the great idea!! Rita Spratlen

  44. This is amazing! I always say I am going to be more organized and then I never end up doing it. Crafting might give me motivation to.

  45. I love how you used this cart. Very ingenious. I have gradually been trying to get organized. For some reason it is hard for me. Thank you so much for sharing

  46. Great transformation. That would be a handy cart to have.

  47. That is a great idea, I too have rolling carts but never thought to roll them out with the family to do my crafts... So glad I saw this post. I have been organizing my craft area and trying to make it work for me, this was a great post, thanks!

  48. This is such an awesome idea! I could really use this!

  49. I want one of these carts! It is amazing what you did with it.

  50. This cart is awesome and I can not live without a great planner.

  51. such a great idea==very tallented

  52. You have a lot of talent. Great idea. Thank you for sharing.

  53. I love this too. You are very creative! I like the wood bar for the extra tape, very clever.

  54. I love this too. You are very creative! I like the wood bar for the extra tape, very clever.

  55. I love what you did with that cart, what a great idea! I need to get more organized also in my life, a huge garage sale would help.

  56. What a great transformation! I love this!

  57. I could really use a cart like this!

  58. This is so creative! Love these kind of DIYs.

  59. I just love the bubble gum machine filled with yarn. That is so creative! I need you to come to my house!

  60. Excellent find! I am so going to use this!

  61. Wow, I like this idea too. My honey has a cart similar to this. Gave me some inspiration. Thank you

  62. What a neat idea! I love the gumball machine, lol! I need this kind of set-up, too.

  63. Another clever idea!! Stealing this one too

  64. Great idea, going to try this for my crafting area.

  65. What a great facelift that made. Good to use for crafts and such.

  66. Great makeover this looks so nice!

  67. Great makeover this looks so nice!

  68. I started a little project where I am getting rid of one thing a day. It's harder than I thought!

  69. That sure is a useful little cart.

  70. This is a great idea. Thank you for sharing.

  71. I'm amazed at this transformation of a dull looking unused cart into an attractive planner/journal center. I love the color! I would love to have this to organize my greeting cards, stationery, wrapping paper, ribbons and gift bags.

  72. Really good idea. I bet it works nice.

  73. I need to get a clue on organization. What a great idea.

  74. I love this it turned out beautiful.

  75. I love this it turned out beautiful.

  76. So cute! I love being organized :)

  77. I just love your ideas. I have really been trying to work on my organizational skills. I am not the best at this. Thank you for sharing this great article

  78. Congratulations. I am hoping to get my life organized.

  79. This is a nice and compact yet usable idea. I thank you for the great review.

  80. This is such a great idea. My grandchildren love doing arts and crafts. This is a great way to organize everything. Thank you so much for sharing

  81. wow,how nice,i need to do that too

  82. Wow this turned out awesome! Guess I'll be looking for a cart soon...

  83. Really nice work!! I am the worst organizer, and could use about ten of these!

  84. I have been gathering what I need to make this. I just loved this idea. Thank you so much for sharing

  85. Just what I needed. I am the most disorganized person in this world

  86. The pink cart stands out and congratulations on organizing. One time, at the drugstore, a lady in front of me opened a notebook of coupons and pulled out one for the soup I was buying. She had them in those clear sheet protectors and was super-organized.

  87. Wow! What a wonderful idea!
    I really liked the final product! Well done!

  88. I definitely need to get more organized.

  89. What a creative way to use that!

  90. Wow its great! What a wonderful Idea & you found something to do with the cart taking up space too! LOL No really its great I'm jealous & the planner matches perfectly. Looks really nice also. Let us know how it works

  91. Where do you get all these ideas?? Organization is one of my pet peeves. Thanks for sharing.

  92. i need to get more organizaed and its that fiest step that is hardest

  93. Clever idea. Thanks for sharing.

  94. Love these kind of DIYs. Great inspiration!

  95. Always looking for new ways to organize. How wonderful an idea this is.

  96. I find it easier to get organized than to stay organized. Thank you for sharing this great suggestion

  97. Such a pretty make over of something he didnt want. I think this is a great organizer that would suit any ones things. Thanks for sharing

  98. I wish I was as creative and organized as you!

  99. This is such a great idea! Love it!!

  100. I am ethusiastic to try this idea! thank you.

  101. I need you to organize my house for me! ;)

  102. What a great way to utilize that rolling cart and I love the color you chose to paint it, so pretty.

  103. I love your journey to organization! How inspiring! The cart came out really well. My favorite is your planner.

  104. That is a really good makeover project. Lots of storage areas. I really, really like the use of the gumball machine to store things. I'm badly in need of organizing my craft space.

  105. I just love this idea for a craft cart. You have utilized every bit of space and it looks great. Thank you so much for sharing

  106. The cart looks like a great opportunity to get it all organized. I thank you so much for the really great idea.

  107. This really turned out beautiful.

  108. this cart is awesome. I had to share with my friends.

  109. You did such a great job with this. I will be using some of your ideas. Thank you so much for sharing

  110. How beautiful--you really are crafty, creative and organized!

  111. Cute cart, lots of storage and I love the color

  112. I am working daily on my organizational skills. This for some reason is hard for me. I really have a hard time deciding what to get rid of. Thank you so much for this great organizing tip

  113. You really did a good job in organizing everything. The cart looks new, now.

  114. What a great and creative idea

  115. Creative and awe-inspiring! Thanks for the sahre.

  116. I like the cart idea! Not only did you give the cart a makeover, but you organized everything in on that cart - so it's right at your fingertips! WELL DONE👍🏻

  117. Love the cart! You are so creative. I have been inspired! Every weekend at the flea market I am looking for items to be re-purposed. Thank you.

  118. Love these kind of DIYs. Great inspiration.

  119. I love this great makeover it turned out beautiful.

  120. I love this great makeover it turned out beautiful.

  121. Great way to makeover and repurpose something to help keep yourself organized.

  122. What an awesome idea... Now you can Craft as you Go! lol! So convenient for you now. everything in one container. That's really a cute (Container).. You painted it a pretty pink and filled it up! Just love it!!

  123. love this and the color is so cute

  124. Nice! I am currently in my own journey to organization.

  125. I am such an unorganized person. I would love to have something like this. You did such a great job and love all the stuff you added into it.

  126. Re-use, re-purpose, recycle! Awesome!

  127. That's an excellent way of keeping your stuff together and looking good at the same time.

    slehan at juno dot com

  128. I like how you added a bar for your ribbons.

  129. That's a really nice cart and I love the notebook. Thanks for sharing!

  130. This would make a great craft supply cart, too.

  131. Such a great organizing idea! All my wrapping paper and ribbon are crammed into a box. I'm actually going to try this out!

  132. that good idea and then i like it pink and then room on it for every thing
