Friday, May 31, 2013

June CASH Candy Giveaway

I'm trying an awesome new giveaway for the month of June.
As much as I love shopping for goodies to add to each months blog candy, the shipping is starting to make a pretty good dent in my wallet. So, I wanted to try something new and I hope you guys enjoy this months candy.
I've joined up with Cuddlebug Cuties to offer you $50 USD Paypal cash and 1 months Ad Space on two different blogs this month.
I hope you enjoy the cash option to select your own treasures if you are the winner of this awesome prize.

Everyone with a Paypal account is welcome to enter.
Use the Rafflecopter widget below enter.
Good luck everyone.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Recipe Swap Hop

Pumpkin Cherry Upside Down Treat

1 can puumpkin
1 C vegetable oil
2/3 C water
4 eggs
3-1/3 C flour
3 C sugar
2 tbs baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg

Add all dry ingredients in medium bowl and blend
Add pumpkin and wet ingredients
Mix well ( I use a large spoon) 
You may have to adjust your flour to get the consistency you wish
I like my mix to be thick so it comes out solid with the cherries on bottom

I use a can of cherry pie filling for the bottom 

I also like my batter to be thick but it will come out like
a big thick bar and taste awesome
I always mix by hand with a large spoon and
you have to spoon the mixture onto the cherries

Place in the over for 45 minutes 
(ovens and altitudes make a difference)

It will come out firm and golden brown

Below is a side view after it is cooked
Just look at that beautiful layer of cherry filling

Let cool for about 20 minutes then cut, plate, add whipped cream

Oh yeah, it is goooooood!

Now it's your turn. Show me what you got.
Let's Swap Recipes

Please follow your host:  Sew Crafty Angel
Please visit other bloggers and make friends
Have fun cooking and sharing new recipes

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Anything Goes Blog Hop

Wow, it's almost June.

I always think of weddings when June gets close.
Not sure why, since I was married in August.  
Everybody seems to always want to be a June Bride.

So I decided to start the hop off today with showing
you some of my Dream Wedding Dresses.

A girl can dream, right?
(all dresses compliments of Pinterest)


On to the hop
Pour yourself a cup of coffee and start hopping.
I've already got mine and I'm ready to party!

RULES:  only a couple
Please follow Sew Crafty Angel 
Please visit other bloggers and make some new friends
You can link up as many links as you want
(family friendly only)

Anything Goes Blog Hop

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Raising Reagan is turning 1

My dear friend Layana Cooper of Raising Reagan 
is celebrating her blogs one year birthday.

She is throwing a huge Birthday Party Giveaway.

So a group of friends are wanting to help 
her make this a Birthday to remember.

Hope you will join us and make 
Layana's party Blogtastic!!!

Raising Reagan Is Turning One!!!
I will be a co-host of this big event and would love to have you join in the fun and also participate in the giveaway!
The party begins on Wednesday, June 12th and last for TWO WEEKS!
Lanaya will also be placing ads on various sites to promote maximum exposure and even has access to place a press release.  She will be sending out a press release which goes to over 1500 publications nationally.   

Craftastic Tuesday

Wow, this holiday weekend really flew by.   It was super busy and then it was over.  
No fair, I want more!

Well since I can't make the weekend last longer I guess I could show you
 some of the things Jacob and I did for fun. 

We decided to create something.  I have saved a ton of Similac
Formula cans for "someday" when I'd use them for "something".
You know what I mean, you just save everything and hope that someday inspiration 
will smack you in the face and you will create a masterpiece, lol.
Well, it happened.   Of the 3,999,999 formula cans I've saved, 
I've finally used 1.

  We created this cute little supply holder.  
This was super easy and so much fun to share with Jacob.

Supplies:  crayons, glue, empty can, ribbon tape measure.
That's all!

We spent about an hour making this cutie.  
Jacob had to taste test a few of the crayons so we used a few extra of those for munchies.  

And no crafting project is complete without some snacks, right?
So we made some chocolate chip cookies.   
I love cookies when they are warm straight from the oven. 
Ummmmm, warm, melty chocolate.  Can't you just taste them?
Oops, I'm making myself hungry again.

After a day of cookies and crafts we decided a nature hike sounded good.
We took a 4 hour hike and Jacob loved it. I thought he would give
out after an hour or so but he just kept on going.  Me, well
I gave out and was exhausted.  But we had a blast.

Jacob spied this huge tree and couldn't wait to climb on it.
Did I say climb, I meant fall off of it. lol
Then climb up and fall off it again and again.
All boy.

We did stop and smell the roses for awhile.
Isn't this yellow rose beautiful.  I just love roses.
Jacob likes to touch the petals with one fat little finger.
He's so cute when he does that, he's very gentle.
I've taught him that in stores we only touch things with one
finger so we don't break it, so now he touches everything with one finger.

This cute little duck was swimming in the lake making all kinds of noise.
It followed us around the lake for a long time and Jacob
loved it.  He wanted to take it home with us of course.
Thank goodness the lake only went so far, right.

We found this adorable little baby bunny hiding under some old grass.
What a cutie.  We just looked, no touching.  

Then we finally went home and just crashed.
I'm such a wuss in my old age, the kids keep going and I'm
whining about how everything aches.
Oh well, living the dream?

We had a great weekend.  Hope all of you did too.
Thanks for visiting me today and have a wonderful rest of the day.

Till next time

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Fight Breast Cancer

May is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Today I am posting information to increase your awareness
and hopefully encourage you to get your yearly mammogram.

I have lost several family members to breast cancer 
so I can tell you it's not something you want to take a chance with.  
Get a mammogram.   Don't become another statistic. 

As a Mom, A Registered Nurse and A Woman I urge you to not wait on having your mammogram done.  We can always find a reason not to go at some particular time, however let me give you a reason to go.  Look at your children and your husband, all the people you love and care about, 
do you love them enough to spend 1 hour a year getting your mammogram so 
you can LIVE to be with them?

Have you had your annual Mammogram? 
If you haven't then now's the time.

 If you have Spread the Word.  Make you voice heard.  Save a life!

Tweet, Facebook, Bloglovin, Instagram, get the word out:  
I've Had My Mammogram. I choose LIFE!

Enter the Mammogram Raffle at the end of the post

(All the information below is provided by the American Society.)
Become educated about Breast Cancer. 
About 1 in 8 U.S. women (just under 12%) will develop invasive 
breast cancer over the course of her lifetime

Preventing and detecting breast cancer early will help save more lives. Understand the lifestyle factors that may affect your risk of breast cancer and what you can do to stay healthy. Breast exams, mammograms and other screenings increase the chances of detecting breast cancer early, when they are most likely to be curable.

Guidelines for Early Detection
  • Yearly mammograms are recommended starting at age 40 and continuing for as long as a woman is in good health
  • Clinical breast exam (CBE) about every 3 years for women in their 20s and 30s and every year for women 40 and over
  • Women should know how their breasts normally look and feel and report any breast change promptly to their health care provider. 
  • Breast self-exam (BSE) is an option for women starting in their 20s.

The importance of finding breast cancer early
The goal of screening exams for early breast cancer detection is to find cancers before they start to cause symptoms.Screening refers to tests and exams used to find a disease, such as cancer, in people who do not have any symptoms. Early detection means using an approach that lets breast cancer get diagnosed earlier than otherwise might have occurred.

Breast cancers that are found because they are causing symptoms tend to be larger and are more likely to have already spread beyond the breast. In contrast, breast cancers found during screening exams are more likely to be smaller and still confined to the breast. The size of a breast cancer and how far it has spread are some of the most important factors in predicting the prognosis (outlook) of a woman with this disease.

Most doctors feel that early detection tests for breast cancer save thousands of lives each year, and that many more lives could be saved if even more women and their health care providers took advantage of these tests. Following the American Cancer Society's guidelines for the early detection of breast cancer improves the chances that breast cancer can be diagnosed at an early stage and treated successfully.

Signs and symptoms of breast cancer

Widespread use of screening mammograms has increased the number of breast cancers found before they cause any symptoms. Still some breast cancers are not found by mammograms, either because the test was not done or because even under ideal conditions mammograms do not find every breast cancer.

The most common symptom of breast cancer is a new lump or mass. A mass that is painless, hard, and has irregular edges is more likely to be cancerous, but breast cancers can be tender, soft, or rounded. They can even be painful. For this reason, it is important to have any new mass, lump, or breast change checked by a health care professional with experience in diagnosing breast diseases.

Other possible signs of breast cancer include:
  • Swelling of all or part of a breast (even if no distinct lump is felt)
  • Skin irritation or dimpling
  • Breast or nipple pain
  • Nipple retraction (turning inward)
  • Redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin
  • A nipple discharge other than breast milk
Sometimes a breast cancer can spread to lymph nodes under the arm or around the collar bone and cause a lump or swelling there, even before the original tumor in the breast tissue is large enough to be felt. Swollen lymph nodes should also be reported to your doctor.

The main types of treatment for breast cancer are:

Fight Breast Cancer

  • Take charge of your health
  • Although there's no sure-fire way to prevent breast cancer, certain lifestyle habits are linked to a lower risk of it developing or returning.
  • Be physically active. Evidence is growing that regular physical activity helps reduce your breast cancer risk. It also helps keep your weight under control, which may also lower your risk.
  • Eat a healthy diet. Studies link a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, poultry, fish, and low-fat dairy products to a reduced breast cancer risk. A healthy diet also helps you stay at a healthy weight.
  • If you drink alcohol, limit how much you drink. Research has shown that even 1 alcoholic drink per day can slightly increase your risk of breast cancer, while having 2 or more alcoholic drinks per day is linked to a higher risk.
All this information and much more is provided by the American Cancer Society. 

Fight Breast Cancer Raffle

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Anything Goes Blog Hop

Stop and Smell the Roses

 I love roses. They are a passion of mine.
I have a variety growing throughout our yard with each
being more beautiful than the one before. 
Sometimes we pass up the most beautiful things that are right in front of our eyes.

The Red Rose has always been a symbol of love and affection.

" Instead of complaining that the rosebush is full of thorns, 
be happy that the thorn bush has roses."

" Even if love is full of thorns, I'd still embrace it for I know that in between those thorns, 
there is a rose that's worth all the pain."

" True love is not without pain, like that of thorns in your side. 
Yet love is like the rose in full bloom, beautiful and full of life."

" You cannot pluck roses without fear of thorns, 
Nor enjoy a fair wife without danger of thorns."
(Ben Franklin)

I wanted to show you a couple that have just came into bloom.  

Ok now, Let's get on to the
Anything Goes Blog Hop. 

Please follow Sew Crafty Angel by Bloglovin', 
Twitter, GFC, G+, whatever avenue works for you.
Please visit other blogs and make new friends
(family friendly content only please)
Link as many links as you want.
It's all about visiting each other and having fun.

Anything Goes Blog Hop

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mommy Needs A Break


I'm  co-hosting Mommy Needs A Break blog party today.  
Hope you will join us for some fun with friends.  

Make sure you come back tomorrow for my Anything Goes Blog Hop

Sign up for our free newsletter!

Welcome to The Bloglovin' Hump Day Hop!! 

Hosted byMommy Needs A Break

I thought it would be fun to add a mystery giveaway for the bloggers who link up!  It will usually be something small but unique :) So, pull up a chair, pour a glass of wine, and lets have some fun!!

Very Simple Rules:

- Follow your Host & Co-hosts on Bloglovin'

*Just click on the Buttons and then "Follow" from their Bloglovin' Pages*



A Peek Into My Paradise


- Link up your Bloglovin' Profile using the Linky Below

- Follow at least 2 other Blogs and leave a comment so they can Follow you Back

- Follow Back any one who Follows you

- Grab the Blog Hop Button and Share!!

Now, Link up your page and enter the giveaway!! Co-Hosts are allowed to enter too!! 

Up to 2 Co-Hosts each week! Email me at if you are interested in Co-Hosting

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


a Rafflecopter giveaway

  Pin It!

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Other Man in My Life

Welcome to Mommy Monday

Yeah, you read my title right.  Yeah, I'm married.

I've got another man in my life and I can't spend enough time with him.  
I want to be with him every second.  
When I'm away from him my heart aches. 
 I've really got it bad.

I can't help myself. 
Every time I see him I run to him and he hugs and kisses me.
He's just the most amazing person in the world.  
When we say goodnight he cups my cheeks in both hands and smiles, 
every time.  It's the most amazing feeling in the world.  
My heart leaps with joy every single time he does that. 

Then, when I go to bed I lay there and think about
how much fun we can have the next day.
I want to share all the good things in the world with him.
He is absolutely amazing!

I finally had to fess up to my husband and tell him.  
He was not as devastated as I had thought he might be. 
 Actually he said he had already suspected that I had someone else that 
I was spending all my time with.  
He said he was okay with being in second place.
Wow, shocker huh?  

Men aren't always as dumb as we give them credit for,
usually but not always. 

Fortunately both of the men in my life know each other very well
and my husband really, really likes the new man in my life.
 Said he totally understood why I felt the way I did since
the other man is such an awesome guy. 
He's actually my husbands best bud. 
Who knew, right?

Oh, well let me tell you more.

I probably should tell you up front that he doesn't have a job, 
but that's okay, I don't mind supporting him for awhile.

He has the most beautiful brown eyes that will just melt your heart.
He has the most beautiful smile in the world, it just lights up my heart.

He does have fat feet, but hey, I can live with that.
He loves to sing to me and we dance all the time.  
He does have two left feet and falls a lot when
he dances, but you know how it is, everybody
can't be a great dancer.  

Let's see, oh yea, he loves to wear a hat.
He loves being in the pool, loves, loves, the water.
He pees in the pool sometimes but we all have accidents, right?

Let me think, oh yeah, he rides a big ole Harley.  
He's not a very good driver, he ran into the fence last week.
 But he still loves it.
(no injuries, just hurt his pride a little)

He would crawl over your cold body for chocolate. 
He's got a thing for chocolate.

He's also great on the piano.
In fact he's so good he can even play the keys with his feet.  
Seriously, I'm not kidding!

He's kind of a momma's boy, but I can live with that.  

He hates, hates to have his photo taken.  
He will do anything not to have his picture taken.
I do want to show you pictures of him but I mostly just have shots of his back.
Like I said,he's really camera shy.

He's pretty short too, only about 2 foot tall.  
But he's really mature for his age.
Honest, he is.

Well, I guess my secret is out now.  You'll probably tell everyone in town.
Since you know so much already I may as well show you his photos.
Here he is, meet Jacob, the man of my life.

Jacob's back with his favorite hat on.

Jacob's back as he rides his Harley.  Unfortunately he fell off, it happens.

Jacob's back as he has his Chocolate Death dessert on the floor.
Well actually, all over the floor.
Ummmm Mommy

Jacob's back as he plays me a song on the piano.  He's a great musician.

This one is very special.  These are the fat little hands that hold my cheeks
and say "mommie wuv" and my heart just melts.

Who knew, The man of my dreams is 2 foot tall and AMAZING.  
My Jacob
and I did tell you he hates having his photo taken.  
I wasn't kidding.


Friday, May 17, 2013

$750 CASH Giveaway @ Sew Crafty Angel

Sew Crafty Angel 
and a group of beautiful ladies have joined together 
to bring you a huge CASH giveaway 
hosted by What Jean Likes
get in on the raffle now

What Jean Likes The Ramblings of a Southern Belle Life in a Break Down The Serena Saga Sew Crafty Angel Eye Heart Blog Life on Lakeshore Drive Marine Wife Mommy Life Lillies and Silk Snack Cups and Smiles The Life of the Party Blog Style Honestly Monica's Rants Raves Reviews

Funny Postpartum Lady Simply Heavenly Food Lovely You Boutique Ya Gotta Have A Hobby Girl in the Garage One Haole Girl The Closet Intellectual Futures Shopaholic Undercover Simplyy Mayra Jackie Jade Oh So Amelia VMG206 Simply Clarke My Life of Travel and Adventures Lost in Travels Rainbows and Honeysuckle The Steady Hand God's Growing Garden
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Recipe Swap Fridays Blog Hop

Hello Friends and Welcome
to our Recipe Swap

Death by Chocolate
super easy, quick and delicious

Ingredients are:
box devils food cake mix
2 tbls dark cocoa 
1 tbls sugar
2 boxes chocolate pudding mix
4 cups milk
chocolate sundae topping
1 box whipped cream
1 huge bar of chocolate

First thing to do is make your chocolate pudding according to the directions on 
the box and put in fridge to start setting up.

 Prepare your cake mix according to box directions then add your extra touches.
I like my chocolate to be rich and dark so adding the dark cocoa 
will take it from the center color to the rich color.
Add about a 1/2 cup of your chocolate bar after your crunch it up 
to your batter and you will get warm chocolate bits when you bite into it
Are you hungry yet?

This is how dark and rich looking your cake will come out of the oven
Cut your cake into small squares and they are ready to go into your desert

Now your cake is done cooking and your pudding is firm and you are ready to go.
Just start adding layers in any order you like.
Mine is pudding, cake, sundae chocolate, whipped cream, shaves of choc bar
and repeat as much as you like.  Then shave more chocolate bar for topping

This photo is an "after" shot when Jacob was taste testing it for us.

 Ummm mommy

I guess you could say "it's finger licking good"


ok now on to the Hop

Please follow the Hosts:
Sew Crafty Angel
Cuddlebug Cuties
Have fun and visit other blogs and make new friends

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