It August and another month means more exciting giveaways at Sew Crafty Angel.
I've joined up with some awesome bloggers and
I'm so excited to be able to bring you this $900 Giveaway
in honor of {enjoy the view}'s 2nd blogiversary! There will be THREE lucky winners!!
So you have an even better chance of winning!!
I love the Food Network and I found this eggtastic dish. My family loves eggs and hashbrowns so this was a big hit at our table. The original recipe was created by Ree Drummond and I just changed it up a little to fit what my family likes.
Welcome to the 9th week of the Social Media Mixer, a brand new social media link-up started when the Weekday Mixer and Social Media Sunday joined forces. Thank you to everyone who joined us for Week 8 - we had 135 blogs and numerous social media link-ups!
Welcome to the 8th week of the Social Media Mixer, a brand new social media link-up started when the Weekday Mixer and Social Media Sunday joined forces. Thank you to everyone who joined us for Week 7 - we had 141 blogs and numerous social media link-ups!
The lean meat makes a perfect alternative to chicken in this fantastic strawberry-studded summer salad. Homemade lemon-pepper rub and sherry vinaigrette will make this recipe a seasonal favorite. Just wait until you taste this awesome Better Home & Gardens recipe. I knew I had found a winner with this salad.
Aloha readers of Sew Crafty Angel! I'm Debbie one of Angel's Contributing Angles (swing over and meet the other Angels) visiting from my home over at Heartbeats~ Soul Stains.
I hope everyone is having a great July. We are in the full swing of summer and enjoying the extra time to spend with the kids before they head back to school in August.
The kids and I started out making paperweights that then also became coasters. I thought it would be fun to share our little project with all of you over here on Angel's fun and ever so crafty blog.
Fun Craft Paperweight
Square tile- (can be picked up in the bath isles at a hardware store)
Felt- (any color you prefer, we used white since it's what we had on hand) cut felt pieces into squares, exact size of tile
Foam Glue
Mod Podge Gloss
Mod Podge Clear Acrylic Sealer
Foam Brushes
a piece of copy paper with a saying, quote, picture or anything you would like printed on it. Cut paper a little smaller than tile (you want room around paper on all 4 sides when it's placed on tile)
Let's Make This:
Place tile upside down (flat side/nice side down). Go around edges of tile and a little in the middle with foam glue.
Once you feel you have enough glue on tile place previously cut felt square on glue. Press gently so glue doesn't bleed through too much.
Turn tile over, place on paper or newspaper. This will be your work area. If glue has bled through the felt it may start to stick to the paper. Move it around once in a while just in case.
Put a good amount of mod podge gloss on a paper plate (you can always add more). With foam brush "paint" a thin coat on the nice/flat side of tile.
Immediately place the paper you have made to be your decoration (printed saying, scripture, picture, quote etc) on to the tile with the mod podge gloss on it.
Try and press gently avoiding making any bubbles or wrinkles in the paper.
On top of your paper that is now on the tile "paint" a light coat of mod podge gloss over the printed paper. Let sit for 15 minutes
Paint one more coat of mod podge gloss on top of your printed paper. It should be pretty well stuck by now. Let sit for at least one hour
Spray a very light coat of the mod podge clear acrylic sealer on top of your tile and picture. Let sit overnight.
Your project is now ready to be used and enjoyed. These can be made to be used for anything you feel like creating. If you decide to turn these in to coaster all you need to do is add little rubber "feet" on each corner.
There are no limits and I really think it's something that you can use to inspire otherswith something touching written or typed on top of. Have fun and be as creative as you'd like :)
Do you have a saying, quote, scripture or picture you want to make a fun craft paperweight with? Got someone in mind you want to make one or several for?
Welcome to the 7th week of the Social Media Mixer, a brand new social media link-up started when the Weekday Mixer and Social Media Sunday joined forces. Thank you to everyone who joined us for Week 6 - we had 136 blogs and numerous social media link-ups!
The Social Media Mixer is all about networking and making connections. Also, you can gain exposure and increase your social media following! Link up your social media accounts and mix it up with some of the other linkers. Each week, the Weekday Mixer will start on Saturday nights at 8:00pm and go on until Thursday night at 11:59pm. One linker will be chosen each week each of the hosts and guest hosts and featured in the following week’s link-up! If chosen, a brief summary about yourself and your blog/website and all of your social media accounts will be featured. It’s a great way to stand out among the crowd!
"Hi, my name is Randell. I'm a 19 year old college student, and I attend the University of Georgia. I love my puppy, my boyfriend, my family, crafting, and many other things that I'm sure will appear on here. Look around, stay awhile, and enjoy... xoxo"
"Welcome to my blog and I am Luanne your SewCute Hostess. I'm a mom to 2 beautiful boys,a wife and a Systems Engineer specializing in Microsoft SQL Server. This is my little space to share my projects, some sewing, baking, digital party printables and some paper crafts. I love to have you visit me here and don't be shy to leave me some comments ~ I love to read them!"
"Hi! I'm Aly Porter. I am a wife and a mother with three little girls and I run my own business. While my life can be crazy, it is all totally worth it! I love my work and I love being able to stay home with my kiddos at the same time! You just have to take it one day at a time and somehow it all works out!"
"Hi! I'm Jennifer Smith. I have two small kids that keep me running all day long. My heart is always with my family but I also love sharing my crafty crazy life with the rest of the world! I am a wife, a mom and a blogger. Let me tell you... I am enjoying every minute of it!"
"I am a 39 year old mom, middle school teacher and part time blogger. I was a teacher for 12 years and spent time off home with my children. This is my first school year back in three years."
"My husband and I met in 2006 while working together at the Home Depot. After I graduated from college in 2009, we moved from central Illinois to Chattanooga, TN on a whim. When people ask us why we ended up in Chattanooga, we don’t really have a good answer. We knew we wanted out of Illinois, and Chattanooga was beautiful. Why not? We were young and adventurous after all…"
"Welcome! I am Shaunacey. Wife to Brent (aka Mr. B), first-time mom to Annabelle (aka mini-me) and mom to fur-child, Lilo. I work full-time, love to cook and bake (and eat), love to shop, like to (try) and be crafty and LOVE to laugh. Like everyone, I'm trying to find the perfect balance and I'm not there just yet. I want to be a great wife, mom, friend and employee and I want to look good doing it. That shouldn't be that hard, right?"
"Welcome to Creative Pink Butterfly! My name is Trine and I am the one behind the scenes of this blog. My lovely blog where I write about DIY Projects such as crafting and sewing. I love organizing and decorating as well as working in the kitchen making food and drinks. I also write about blogging tips – since I am a blogger I find a lot of interesting tips online and some I have to share with you! Occasionally I will let you in on some of the things that happen in my daily life."
"Hi, I’m Annie and I’m the writer and photographer behind Annie’s Noms! I love baking, recipe developing, reading and motorsport. If I’m not reading, I’m baking or photographing new recipes to share with you!
I’m hoping that blogging my culinary adventures will act as some sort of therapy for me. I have an eating disorder. I’ve only recently admitted it to myself, although my family and friends had already guessed. I’m grateful for the fact none of my family pressured me, they let me come to terms with it myself."
"Welcome to my little piece of the internet. My name is Madison, sometimes my friends call me Mad, which I actually love. I married my perfect man on July 20, 2012. We started out doing the whole long distance thing which included dating across continents, a few times. Long distance was one of the hardest things I've ever done but I can't express enough how great it was for our relationship."
"Hi, I am Kristen, a wife, daughter, friend and mom. I have a wonderful husband and two wonderful children and reside in Atlanta, Georgia. I have a passion for healthy and intentional living and want to share that with others. This website is designed for me to share my journey with you on striving to be “mindful” as a mother, wife, and person through tips I have learned through other incredibly talented people and through my own trial and error."
"Hi, I’m Mallory and I love to cook, bake, take pictures and spend time with my husband and family. During the day, I am an accountant, but in my spare time I love to create things in my kitchen and share them with others. I grew up on a farm in Ohio and moved to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania when I married my husband. This blog allows me to share my recipes with friends and family that live far away and gives me a creative outlet after a day in the office. Outside of work and the kitchen, I enjoy exploring the area with my husband, traveling to new places, visiting old friends and making new ones. Thanks for visiting."
Cathy is our permanent week#3 co-host. Checkout what's been happening on "A Peek Into My Paradise" lately: Wake Up Wednesday Linky - join us every Wednesday!!
Karren has such an inspiring and informative blog with tons of fun! This is how she describes herself & her blog: "I started blogging in about 2009, found Pinterest (which I love) and Polyvore, I have an appreciation for sewing, cooking, baking and gardening and I love shabby chic, vintage, retro, accessories. And I enjoy writing articles on blogging."
Paula's blog is full of creativity - you will be inspired to craft & enjoy! "Hi I'm Paula, a quirky, crafty Mom from New Hampshire. I have a little shop on Etsy where I sell papercrafts, softies and other random goodies :) I'm crazy about Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, blogging, handmade, vintage, networking, making new bloggy friends, and I'm PR friendly too."
It's the month long Networking Blog Hop
With our 9th CLIMB GIVEAWAY!
Networking means helping each other grow!!
If you want to promote a CLIMB link, then use #ChainLinkyCLIMB on Twitter or Google+ so that we can all help each other grow!
Here's how the Giveaway & Co-hosting works - the co-hosts from the previous month's CLIMB will have the opportunity to participate in a Giveaway during the next CLIMB - that gives co-hosts 2 months in a row of blog growing fun!! (If you would like to co-host please sign up at the end of this post using the last "Linky")
- "My Cookie Creation Countdown" ebook by Angie Ouellette-Tower
Total prize value over $120!!
CLIMB Giveaway Rules & Conditions:
- this is open worldwide
- You must be 18 years or older to enter
- You MUST have a valid Paypal account & a blog to enter
- This Giveaway is open from June 30th, 2014 until July 30th, 2014
- Winner must respond within 48 hours or a different winner will be chosen
- Giveaway Hosts & Co-hosts can NOT enter this Giveaway!, however - JULY 2014 CLIMB blog hop co-hosts ARE allowed to enter this Giveaway (provided they are not also part of the Giveaway)
- correspondence is done through email and the winner's email addresses will only be used to deliver or set-up e-prizes. Email addresses will NEVER be sold or shared.
- if you have any questions or concerns about this Giveaway please email one of the hosts:
By participating in this blog hop your understand that your link might be promoted on social media. Also, by participating in this blog hop your email address will be added to our CLIMB list & you will be sent an email reminder next month.