Welcome to the 4th week of the Social Media Mixer, a brand new social media link-up started when the Weekday Mixer and Social Media Sunday joined forces. Thank you to everyone who joined us for Week 3 - we had 126 blogs and numerous social media link-ups!
The Social Media Mixer is all about networking and making connections. Also, you can gain exposure and increase your social media following! Link up your social media accounts and mix it up with some of the other linkers. Each week, the Weekday Mixer will start on Saturday nights at 8:00pm and go on until Thursday night at 11:59pm. One linker will be chosen each week each of the hosts and guest hosts and featured in the following week’s link-up! If chosen, a brief summary about yourself and your blog/website and all of your social media accounts will be featured. It’s a great way to stand out among the crowd!
Welcome your hosts!

Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures | Angel from Sew Crafty Angel | Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise | Teresa from Crafty Wife | Julia from Minivan Dreams | | Liz from Look by Liz Lewis | Kaitlyn from Three Sisters and Us | Shana from Technotini | Anni from Grapefruit Princess | Tiffany from Mrs Tee Love Life Laughter | Ce Ce from A Chicago Mom | Shana from Organized Chaos | Jillian from Baby Doodah | Brittany from BrittanyBullen.com
And welcome your guest hosts for June!

Bonnie from LadyBlogger | Ashley from Keeping Up With Ashley and Cody | Katy from Chaos & Kiddos: Mommy's Survival Guide | Holly from Southern Mom Loves | Mia from Pragmatic Mom | Katie from The Organized Dream | Kimberly from The Adventures of "But Mom" | Kareen from Pink Heart String
A big giveaway...
To help celebrate this brand new social media link-up, Ce Ce from A Chi Mom has offered this beautiful bracelet from her amazing Etsy store, Jayla Jolie Jewelry, as a giveaway for all our amazing mixers!

A winner has been selected....
Congrats to...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Starting today, we have a brand new giveaway on Epic Mommy Adventures...

We’re giving away $600 in Paypal cash + some more great prizes! Enter to win here!

And here are the Featured bloggers from last week's Social Media Mixer...
City of Creative Dreams

"My name is Shanice. I’m a playwright/actress. I love just about everything creative. If I wasn’t organizing, I was writing a story or a play or acting or re-designing somewhere in my home. My room was a canvas for my creative ideas... Now that I am currently a stay at home mom. I needed a new activity to do on my spare time in between my son's naps and taking care of my siblings. I love writing and creating new things! Which makes this the perfect place to share affordable creative ideas of mine that floats into my head. When you can't find something that suits you perfectly then create it! I hope you find a some inspiration, some design and something you will love to create yourself. "
Tulips & Orchids

"Well, hello! I'm Becca. I sew, crochet, knit (kind of), and pretty much just love to figure out how to make things look better. I just graduated with my Master's in Social Work from Arizona State University *Go Sundevils!* Now I work for the state."
Urban Naturale

"Hi, I'm Deborah Davis. And I'm delighted to welcome you to our "vibrant-conscious-lifestyle" magazine: Urban Naturale. Urban Naturale was developed to help inform and shape your path to living healthy, green and natural, by design — which, we know, is no easy task!"

"I’m Leigh Anne and I’m so happy you’re here on Houseologie. I was born and raised in southern Louisiana but now I call West Virginia home — I couldn’t live without these mountains now if I tried. I love all things house & home. I thrive on making an ugly room beautiful and the process in between. DIY, thrifting, cooking, decorating — I do it all and I’m learning more every day. My husband and three kiddos put up with all my crazy DIY ideas pretty well, even if they do give me looks sometimes ;-) I’m excited to be sharing my journey to making our home a place we love to be."
Barbie Bieber and Beyond - Raising Girls

"Hi everyone!!!!! I am a Mum to 4 girls ranging in age from 6 to 16 years of age. I live in Sydney Australia with my husband and girls which provide me with many challenges in day to day life. We are a very close family who try to have some fun everyday while navigating the ins and outs of problems that many families in todays society face. Girls have their own unique set of challenges and having 4 scattered over a period of 10 years I am navigating all the different challenges from child, tween to teen all at the one time. That can be very daunting and scary at times but also I think it places me in an interesting position to be able to write from all aspects of girls through childhood and on to adolescents. I started blogging to give me another outlet during my day, with my youngest off to school next year I am faced with not having a child in the house during school hours, something I have not dealt with in over 15 years! So what better way than to share my insights into girls and maybe pass on some valuable tips and tricks to fellow Mums. I am open to all sorts of questions, but be aware that all opinions are just those, opinions!!! I don't profess to know everything about girls, what person does??? especially the teenage girl! However if we can share our ideas together maybe things may not seem so hard sometimes."
Boost Your Photography

"Boost Your Photography (formerly Archaeofrog Photography) is a resource for beginning and hobbyist photographers at all levels of experience. The goal is to provide instructive content and projects that will inspire your creativity and inform your photographic journey."
Life In The Wilde

"Hi, I’m Lauren. Some people…well, most people call me Lew(Initials are LEW). Kids usually call me Lew Lew. I am a lover of Christ and seek his face, goodness and will every day. I believe the bible is TRUTH and stand firm in it. I am a baby lover. I’m especially head over heels for my 2 year old, Halston. As a single mom, I have a VERY special bond with him and I just love watching him learn and grow. I am a foodie, and nutrition fanatic which leads to some serious “should I or shouldn’t I” anxiety. I work full-time as a Managing Director for a boutique staffing company. I love to write, blog and vlog. I am passionate about sharing my heart and story with strangers. Sounds weird but, true.
I started this blog because I believe sharing truth, struggle and triumph is what builds true relationships. I want to share from my heart in hopes of helping someone to step out of their solitude or feel a sense of belonging. I also have felt the Lord tugging at my heart to be bold in initiating more relationships and building a community. I pray that I will be transparent and create open communication with readers like you.
In this blog there will be DIY posts, posts about party planning, love, parenting, faith, struggles, empowerment, fashion, beauty, food and anything else that I feel called to write about. I hope that I can help, teach, comfort, lend an idea or become a friend as I document this Wilde life!"
Structure In An Unstructured Life

"Welcome to Structure in an Unstructured Life! I am a full time working mom to two adorable and energy-filled boys, ages 7 and 4, and the wife of a football coach. As you can guess, life gets crazy and chaotic around our house at times! But being a lover of order, organization, and simplicity, I am constantly trying to find calm amidst the chaos! In the posts of this blog, you will find the ways I create structure in our often unstructured life. My quest for structure is intertwined with my quest for happiness, so besides meal planning and organizing tips, you will also find my thoughts on happiness, parenting, marriage, and life."
Mommie & Wee

"Well, hello there. My name is Chelsea: 22-year-young twin mom, Lupus warrior, Health enthusiast, Full-time foodie, Part-time blogger, and Football fiance. Join me as I try to make this world we live in a better place to be. John 14:12."
A Town Girl's Life

" Hello friends, I am Sarah. I am 20 something married to my best friend and expecting. This is a bit about me.... photographer, food crazy, horse lover, crocheter, hair braider, artist (armature), pin addict, blog doer, vintage lover, saved sinner. : )"
Brenda Blogs About...

"Welcome to my little corner of the blogoverse. I started my very first blog forever ago during my first year of law school - at the suggestion of my grandmother, of all people, so that she (and other family members) could keep up with my 180 in life (going from starving artist to starving law student). That was back when people would ask, "what's a blog?" After 1L, I kind of let the blog dwindle. Then I started a new one where I mostly ended up sharing recipes. It wasn't until I got pregnant and started this blog, that I started regularly posting again.
This blog is about my adventures in working mommyhood. I tend to post about once a week, sometimes more - but I am a working mom and sometimes (ok, often) life gets in the way. I'd love to write even more, and have made several resolutions in the past to write more often, which I'll do for about a week or two - and then I'll go a week and a half without posting anything . . . such is the life of a busy working mom."

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