Friday, May 30, 2014

The Chain Linky Climb Party @ Sew Crafty Angel

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It's the month long Networking Blog Hop 
With our 8th CLIMB GIVEAWAY!
Networking means helping each other grow!! 
If you want to promote a CLIMB link, then use #ChainLinkyCLIMB on Twitter or Google+ so that we can all help each other grow!
Here's how the Giveaway & Co-hosting works - the co-hosts from the previous month's CLIMB will have the opportunity to participate in a Giveaway during the next CLIMB - that gives co-hosts 2 months in a row of blog growing fun!!  (If you would like to co-host please sign up at the end of this post using the last "Linky") 
Please enter below -one person will win:
- $50 Paypal Cash

- 1 Ad Space on A Peek Into My Paradise for 30 days - $30 value
- 1 Ad Space on Heartbeats ~ Soul Stains - $20 value

- 1 Ad Space on Cuddlebug Cuties - $7 value

- 2 Sidebar Ad Spaces on God's Growing Garden - $20 value
- Ad Space on Sew Crafty Angel
Total prize value over $100!!

CLIMB Giveaway Rules & Conditions:
- this is open worldwide
- You must be 18 years or older to enter 
- You MUST have a valid Paypal account & a blog to enter
- This Giveaway is open from May 31st, 2014 until June 28th, 2014
- Winner must respond within 48 hours or a different winner will be chosen
- Giveaway Hosts & Co-hosts can NOT enter this Giveaway!, however - JUNE 2014 CLIMB blog hop co-hosts ARE allowed to enter this Giveaway (provided they are not also part of the Giveaway)
- correspondence is done through email and the winner's email addresses will only be used to deliver or set-up e-prizes.  Email addresses will NEVER be sold or shared.
- if you have any questions or concerns about this Giveaway please email one of the hosts:

Now onto the CLIMB (blog hop):
We have changed it up a bit - instead of linking your homepage you may now link up to 4 of your family friendly blog posts per month!!

CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbIntro_zps6919dad8.jpg

This linky list is now closed.

CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbRules_zps77e9b7a4.jpg
By participating in this blog hop your understand that your link might be promoted on social media.  Also, by participating in this blog hop your email address will be added to our CLIMB list & you will be sent an email reminder next month. 

CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbLink_zpsf527c076.jpg

This linky list is now closed.
Remember - If you co-host you will receive a free Weekly Sidebar Ad and your blog button will appear on both Angie's blog & Angel's blog!!

(The Ad will run live a few weeks after you have co-hosted)

CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbCo-host_zpseca2ac09.jpg

This linky list is now closed.
So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. - 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NKJV)
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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party #18

               Welcome to the 18th week of 

 Wake Up Wednesday "Linky" 

29 Blogs  -  1 Party

We are so excited to have you all party with us.
Thank you so much to all those who participate in our party.
Last week we had  319 awesome linkups!   

 Wake Up and be happy, get excited and have fun with us! 
We want to be inspired, entertained, laugh and have a good time!

 The hop is hosted and posted on 29 different blogs
Your link will appear on the blogs of
     Euchre Fun                 An Alli Event                     Decorating Chica                Fiber Artsy
 Facebook                 Facebook                             Network                            Facebook
               Pinterest                    Pinterest                                  Pinterest                            Pinterest  
              Bloglovin                 Bloglovin                                     G+                                      Twitter

Interested in Co-Hosting Wake Up Wednesday?
Fill out this form and Angel will be in touch with you?

This weeks 
Featured Bloggers

Soft Pretzels
A few days ago, during one of my craving fits, I was surfing the web and came across Alton Brown’s Soft Pretzel recipe. I’ve tried other Alton Brown recipes and he’s never failed me before, so I decided to give it a shot. Guess what? I think I may have found the perfect soft pretzel recipe. It has a soft outside shell, buttery flavor, and a soft chewy inside. The only negative to this recipe is that it only makes 8 large pretzels *sad face*.

Grandma knew how to take care of her garden for just pennies. After all, she grew one because it was essential, not just because it was pretty or fun. And because it was essential, she had to take care of her garden on a tight budget to make it grow and last for less. With just a few household ingredients, you too can try Grandma’s frugal homemade garden remedies and make your garden grow for less.

I love having breakfast for dinner and breakfast foods are so handy when you have no idea what to make for dinner. I have been having a craving for french toast, and earlier this week I attempted to make it on the stove top which led to me almost burning my kitchen down. Ok, maybe not quite burning it down, but I burnt my pan which made me mad. A few days later I decided to just stick to baked french toast. I decided to try a Cinnamon Baked French Toast from Lovin' from the Oven.

First of all, the title of this post is kind of deceptive!  Mothering is never easy, but sometimes as new moms, mothering just seems too hard!  The transition can be tough when adding a child to a childless home, or for some of us, adding a new child almost every year or two.  I’ve walked through that season, and I pray that you will be encouraged today by hope that only the Lord can give.

Andes Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies
 Baking is not just for the holiday season, it is perfect for anytime of the year! These Andes Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies are perfect to make for your family or even to give as a friendly gift to new neighbors! Package these in a cute litte container with a ribbon and you have a great gift for new neighbors or to cheer up a coworker!

The other day, one of our kind colleagues got a big bag of peach to work and left it in the break room. I picked a couple to eat throughout the day. In the evening, while I was leaving I saw there were still some left in the bag. As it is, it was late in the day and thought nobody else wants it, so I took the rest of it..:)   When I came home, I made peach cobbler with it, a quick warm dessert and we had it with ice cream...yummm!

Hello! Here's a quick project that I have adapted from Jennibellie at Jennibellie Studio. Hers is a recycled folder / book to store Washi Tape, mine is to store bits of ribbons and trimmings in. You can see the full Video tutorial here.

Loaded Potato Boat with a Philly Burger...YUM-O!
The other day, I doubled up the use of my slow cooker by placing foil-wrapped potatoes on top of the Garlic-Pesto Chicken dinner I was preparing. It sure worked for me - keeping the kitchen cool in 90 degree weather is a good thing. So, when I wanted to bake potatoes for these Loaded Potato Boats, I used my slow cooker again. The slow cooker is just as useful in the summer as it is in the colder months, and, according to my research, uses less energy (and costs less money) than my electric oven for baking potatoes...even though it takes more time. Double cool! (get it?)

photo (34)
Everyone knows about blush. Everyone knows that you should wear it. But do you have horrid flash backs of the 80′s style streaks, or have had a bad clown like experience? Making it hard to convince yourself to use it? Have no fear, blush is your best friend; it is easy to use with a light hand and a little practice.

    Yesterday, afternoon I had a sweet tooth, and I needed a quick fix; remembering the plethora of raspberries in the fridge I pulled them out and decided I would make a treat. I had limited time before I had to run and errand, so I knew I had to be quick. I decided to go with a pastry, this would be perfect, make the dough before I leave, run my errand, then make the crostata when I got home. Filling it with the fresh raspberries and adding some peach preserves which would balance out the tartness of the berries. I was so excited!
You can enter our Rafflecopter  
Win $222 in Cash & Prizes

  • Remember to Follow Your hostesses- the first 29 links and your Guest Hosts.  
  • 29 times the opportunity to make new bloggy friends and to share your wonderful blog and discover others too.

Link up your funny stories, DIY posts, crafts, decorating, fashion, makeup, health & fitness, recipes, mommy moments -- anything at all, as long as it is family-friendly.

Please visit some other bloggers and make some new friends and say hello to old friends..
  • Please leave me a comment , I love to hear from you.
  • Please Link to your post and not to your blog home page
  • I'd love for you to grab my party button for your blog party site but it's totally optional
  • Please No adult content blogs
  • Please do not add links to shops or selling websites (they will be deleted from the party)
  • Giveaways are always welcome.. Add your giveaways to Sew Crafty Angel's Pinterest Community Giveaway Board too.  
Adding your link to this blog hop gives Sew Crafty Angel permission to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features on Sew Crafty Angel And Co-Hosts.  Note- All features on Sew Crafty Angel And Co-Hosts will be linked back to the original source .Social media features are linked back to the linky party.

Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party #18

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Wonderful Day

I had a great Saturday!
I went out in the front yard to do a little flower work and there was a box on my porch.
Yea!!!  It was for me.! 
I tore into that box like a kid with a Christmas present.

I won this awesome kitchen set in a rafflecopter contest over at 
and I received my box of goodies today.  

Look at all these fantastic Betty Crocker pieces. 
I love, love, love it!
Thanks so much Jay, you made my day

Then I got into this awesome bubble battle with my little 2 /12 year old son.
My hubby got this great photo of momma falling on her butt.  
Ouch, that smarted just a tad, but totally work the oowie.

Then I went for a car ride!  Oh yea, momma's got it going on.
It's not that I'm to big, the car is to little.
But that little car can really go!

Once the boys were calmed down from a play day with momma
I got to go out and do some garden work in my new, totally awesome
garden apron that I purchased from 
Cheryl over at Sew Can Do.
Cheryl had made this apron as a post for her blog and has a wonderful tutorial 
if you would like to have your own garden apron.  Go over and check it out.
I fell in love with this apron and contacted Cheryl to see if she would sell it 
to me.  Garden play is so much more fun if you have a cute apron to wear, lol.
Thanks Cheryl for this apron.  I absolutely love it!

Then last but not least, fresh cheesecake with cherry topping with whipped cream
and fresh grated dark chocolate.

What a wonderful day!


Macdonald's Freshly Picked Giveaway

I've teamed up with Pamela from Macdonald's Playland and 15 other amazing bloggers to bring you this awesome giveaway! One lucky winner will receive a pair of adorable Freshly Picked moccasins in the size and color of choice as well as $145 in PayPal cash! Be sure to enter in the rafflecopter below! Giveaway runs for two weeks and ends Monday, June 9th. Be sure to give these wonderful ladies some love at their blogs & social media as well! Best of luck!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Lighten Your Hair with Lemons and Chamomile

Hi Sew Crafty Angel readers! 
Today as part of my contributor post I will be sharing with you my secret on how I naturally lighten my hair using two simple ingredients: lemons and chamomile. Having dark blonde hair, my hair lightens in the summer by just staying out in the sun, but these two tricks are great if you want your hair to become even lighter. I enjoy doing this every once in a while once the weather is warmer, and after a couple of applications the results are definitely visible. I alternate between both methods, and they have both worked very well for my hair. Although I cannot attest to these tips working on darker hair, I have read that quite a few dark-haired women have seen results with this technique as well.

All you will need is:

2-3 whole lemons
1-2 chamomile tea bags
a lemon squeezer
a mesh sifter
2 bowls
1 cup boiling water
and a spray bottle (optional)

Lemon Method:

1. Cut your lemons in half and extract the juice using a squeezer.
2. Use the mesh sifter to trap any seeds and pulp when pouring into your bowl.
3. Pour directly onto your hair or use a spray bottle for a more subtle lightening effect.
4. Comb through your hair for even distribution.
5. Stay out in the sun for about an hour or until your hair is completely dry.
6. Rinse your hair in warm water or proceed to washing your hair as normal.

Chamomile Method:

1. Place your chamomile tea bags in your bowl.
2. Bring water to a boil and pour into your bowl.
3. Let the tea bags steep for 1-2 hours.
4. Pour directly onto your hair or use a spray bottle for a more subtle lightening effect.
5. Comb through your hair for even distribution.
6. Stay out in the sun for about an hour or until your hair is completely dry.
7. Rinse your hair in warm water or proceed to washing your hair as normal.

Time to soak up the sun!
The more lemon or tea bags you use, the higher the concentration of your treatment which will speed up the results. Staying out in the sun longer will also help. I however recommend doing this gradually since it will be less drying on your hair.

Although I see a significant difference after one treatment, what is so great is that you get gradual results and you can stop whenever you are happy with your hair color. To bring moisture back into my hair, I like doing a coconut oil hair mask right after (more on that here).

Let me know if you have tried this out! Do you have any other ways that you lighten your hair naturally?

post signature Thanks, Natalie

The Weekday Mixer Social Media Link-Up @ Sew Crafty Angel

The 12th Weekday Mixer was a great success! We had a record-breaking 131 blogs linked up and numerous social media link-ups! We hope that you all had the opportunity to mix and mingle and make some awesome new buddies!
Weekday Mixer 
Welcome to the 13th week of The Weekday Mixer Social Media Link-Up! As you know, it is a brand new social media link-up for all to join! This mixer is all about networking and making connections. Also, you can gain exposure and increase your social media following! Link up your social media accounts and mix it up with some of the other linkers. Each week, the Weekday Mixer will start on Sunday nights at 8:00pm and go on until Friday night at 11:59pm. One linker will be chosen from each host and guest host each week and featured in the following week's link-up! If chosen, a brief summary about yourself and your blog/website and all of your social media accounts will be featured. It's a great way to stand out among the crowd!   

We have a big announcement this week!!!!!

Social Media Sunday is going to be merged with The Weekday Mixer Social Media Link-Up to bring you a brand new social media link-up, the Social Media Mixer, that is sure to be awesome! Pulling in all of the great aspects of both link-ups, the Social Media Mixer is sure to be fantastic and help all of us to connect & network with others, and ultimately grow our following.

Make sure to join us next Saturday for the Social Media Mixer!!! We're going to have a big giveaway to launch this great new link-up.

If you'd like to sign up to be a month-long guest host of the Social Media Mixer, or be considered as permanent co-host, please complete this form. And if you have any questions, e-mail Natasha at

Now let's get started on our final Weekday Mixer!

Meet your fabulous hosts...

Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures | Angel from Sew Crafty Angel | Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise | Cece from A Chicago Mom | Shana from Organized Chaos | Liz from Look by Liz Lewis | Kaitlyn from Three Sisters and Us | Julia from Minivan Dreams

and your awesome guest hosts for May!

WM May 2014-2
Cole from Peace and Chaos | Katy from Chaos & Kiddos: Mommy's Survival Guide | Kristin from Sounds of My Pitter Patter | Kim from Life in a House of Testosterone | Brittany from | Shana from Technotini | Colleen from Butterfly In The Attic | Bonnie from LadyBlogger

Now meet this week's featured bloggers...

Krafts & Kiddos

 "Hello...I'm Heather, welcome to my blog. Here’s a little me about me here at Krafts and Kiddos.  I am a married mama with two spunky kiddos ages 4 and 6. Those munchkins truly are my heart. My son was diagnosed with speech delays after turning 2, because of this I focus my time and energy into educating myself on ways to encourage the love of learning into our home. We also just adopted a rescue dog who is 2 years old, this was after we had to say good-bye to our 11 year old furry friend, due to old age."
  Blog | FacebookInstagram | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest

A Town Girl's Life

 "I am a very random person. For instance, here are some of the things I like....Crazy socks, books, movies, rain in summer, crocheting, spray paint, my truck, pies, going on picnics, sunflowers, wedding dresses, Chalk board paint, pianos, watercolors, horses, old chairs, music, vintage Pyrex.... and the list goes on..... and on....I really love though, My husband (Josh) who is really wonderful and a great support. My family, both blood and my in-laws, who are really great, and my Church Family. Photography has recently become a passion of mine, I love everything about it. I love learning new things, either from my mistakes or from other photographers. I hope to really create my own style and have fun along the way."
  Blog | Facebook | Instagram | Bloglovin | Pinterest | Flickr

Single Parents Survival Guide

 "The Single Parents Survival Guide is and online publication for single parents around the world. Our publication seeks to fill in where other parenting sites and publications leave off."
  Blog | Facebook |  Bloglovin | Pinterest  | Twitter | Google+

Baby Doodah

 "Jillian is a proud Buffalonian and wife to a talented web developer and mother to a gorgeous baby boy, Emmett. In addition to all of the hard work she spends as a mom, Jillian works full-time as a supervisor at a health insurance company in their managed care department. With the birth of her baby, Jillian has a new found interest in healthy eating and exercise; she wants to instill a healthy lifestyle onto her little boy and any future children. Being a first time mom, everything is a new and different experience for Jillian, but she is so excited to watch everything unfold. She can’t wait for trips to the zoo and family vacations. In her free time, Jillian loves shopping for anything and everything, blogging about her sweet baby boy and family life and reading anything she can get her hands on. She is also working hard to make exercise a permanent fixture in her life."
  Blog | Facebook |  Bloglovin | Pinterest  | Twitter | Google+ | Instagram

Diary of A Southern Shopper

 "Hey y’all, I’m Darci.  Yup, I’m from Texas, San Antonio to be exact. I was raised in a smaller town right outside of San Antonio and feel as if it was fate growing up in a place called Schertz (pronounced-shirts) and wanting to be a part of the ‘fashion world’. I created DOSS as an outlet for me to express my personal style outside of my Monday-Friday ‘corporate world’. I work in the field of criminal justice so my style can range from chic and business casual to a weekend look that is a bit more laid back or edgy. I love shopping, and finding great deals, while being able to create outfits on a budget (my bank account thanks me). To say I’m obsessed with shoes is an understatement and my wardrobe screams with color and prints. I hope you join me on this stylish journey as I continue with my shopping habits and daily outfits. Thank you so much for reading..."
  Blog | Facebook |  Bloglovin | Pinterest  | Twitter | Instagram


 "Hi, I’m so glad you’re here! I’m Bre and this is Brepurposed. I’m a newbie blogger trying to make my mark on this crazy world of DIY and share my love of turning the old into the new. This journey all started after I got hitched last July to my amazing hubs, Dan. I made practically everything for our wedding and after it was over I knew I wanted to keep creating. I decided to give this whole blogging thing a shot and here I am! I love transforming old furniture, because lets be honest, who can afford the stuff they sell in the stores? Def not me..."
  Blog | Facebook | Pinterest  | Instagram | Google+

Taylor-Made Ranch Homestead Blog

taylormade "I’ve heard the phrase “Bloom where you’re planted” and I’m so blessed to have been planted here! On this blog I hope to share a wide range of posts. There is of course the joy of a new calf and the worry of droughts and floods, but I’ll also share a glimpse into daily life on the ranch. So sit back & enjoy the ride – we love it and so will you!" Blog | Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Google+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Travel Parent Eat

TPE-Header-8   "Why Travel, Parent, Eat? These are our passions. Travel Parent Eat is about life. And making the world a better place. Where better to start than in our own homes? Whether it is over a shared meal in the dining room, or a shared experience across the globe, we want to build family and community." Blog | Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram | Bloglovin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Congrats to all of the Featured Bloggers this week! If you haven't already, please follow our Featured Bloggers on all of their social media channels. Featured Bloggers - feel free to add this button to your sidebar and claim your recognition!
Weekday Mixer
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Weekday Mixer" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Weekday Mixer" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Let's get started...

  • Show some love to your hosts and guest hosts simply by following them on social media and leaving a comment so they can follow you back.
  • Link up all of your social media accounts!
  • Check out some of the other links and make some new friends!
Please feel free to share our blog button on your sidebar.
Epic Mommy Adventures
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Link up your awesome blog posts here!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Link up your Facebook account or page here!

1. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  43. Oh My Heartsie Reviews  
2. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Host)  44. Kristi @ making it in the mountains  
3. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Host)  45. Rachel @ Craving some Creativity  
4. Julia @ Mini Van Dreams (Host)  46. Leilani and Emily@Just a Touch of Crazy  
5. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Host)  47. Natasha @Tiny Tots Adventures  
6. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Host)  48. the Mrs. and the Mustache Blog  
7. Ce Ce @ A Chicago Mom (Host)  49. Julie Auler  
8. Shana @ Organized Chaos (Host)  50. Genna@Blethering Boys  
9. Bonnie @ LadyBlogger (Guest Host)  51. Life Breath Present  
10. Kim @ Life in a House of Testosterone (Guest Host)  52. Leigh Anne @ Houseologie  
11. Brittany @ (Guest Host)  53. yes DEER  
12. Shana @ Technotini (Guest Host)  54. Chelsea @ That's So Chelish  
13. Colleen @ Butterfly In The Attic (Guest Host)  55. MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter  
14. Cole @ Peace and Chaos (Guest Host)  56. Bumblebreeblog  
15. Katy @ Chaos & Kiddos (Guest Host)  57. Katie @ View From The Fridge  
16. April ~ April Noelle  58. Mary @ The Egg Farm  
17. Anna @ Just a Mum  59. Kate @ The Organized Dream  
18. Kate @ Kate Elizabeth  60. Catherine & Tammy @ Living the Gourmet  
19. A Day in Candiland  61. Jillian @ Baby Doodah!  
20. Stacey @ Chasing Cloud 9  62. Redo It Yourself Inspirations  
21. Cooking with K  63. Nancy @ On The Home Front  
22. Jenni @DigitalEraMom  64. 702 Park Project  
23. Domain of the Mad Mommy  65. make it easy crafts  
24. The Pinterested Parent  66. Anna @ The Beauty Section  
25. Boost Your Photography  67. Amanda @ Rhyme & Ribbons  
26. Kimberly@Adventures Of "But Mom"  68. Darci @ Diary of a Southern Shopper  
27. Treat and Trick  69. Meaghan @ 4 Sons 'R' Us  
28. Stephanie @ Superheroes in Jammies  70. Stacy @  
29. Jennifer@Mommy Life After PhD  71. Announcingit Invitation Shop  
30. Marilynstreats  72. Storied Charms Jewelry  
31. How to Make the Sun Shine  73. My Style Purses  
32. Ward Productions  74. Bowe Baby  
33. Shh!! Momma's Writing!  75. This Is Motherhood  
34. Christina @ Just Miss C  76. Adventures With The Cronks  
35. Meredith @Mommy A to Z  77. Natalie Loves Beauty  
36. Heather @ Krafts and Kiddos  78. Fearlessly Authentic  
37. Patchwork by Elektra Z  79. MyFairDaily  
38. Chris @ A Kitchen Hoor's Adventures  80. AMLC: All My Love Crafts  
39. V @ Sprout's House  81. Add your blog to! Bloglist24  
40. My Family Mealtime  82.  
41. Mom's Small Victories  83. Ooh La Lovely Blog  
42. Mini Monets and Mommies  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Link up your Pinterest accounts here!

1. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  38. Mini Monets and Mommies  
2. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Host)  39. Kristi @ making it in the mountains  
3. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Host)  40. Rachel @ Craving some Creativity  
4. Julia @ Mini Van Dreams (Host)  41. Just a Touch of Crazy  
5. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Host)  42. Natasha @Tiny Tots Adventures  
6. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Host)  43. Tamara @ the Mrs. and the Mustache  
7. Ce Ce @ A Chicago Mom (Host)  44. Julie Auler  
8. Shana @ Organized Chaos (Host)  45. Life Breath Present  
9. Bonnie @ LadyBlogger (Guest Host)  46. Zoe @ Prescriptions & Pearls  
10. Kim @ Life in a House of Testosterone (Guest Host)  47. Leigh Anne @ Houseologie  
11. Brittany @ (Guest Host)  48. Cat @ yes DEER  
12. Colleen @ Butterfly In The Attic (Guest Host)  49. Chelsea @ That's So Chelish  
13. Kristin @ Sounds of My Pitter Patter (Guest Host)  50. MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter  
14. Cole @ Peace and Chaos (Guest Host)  51. Bumblebreeblog  
15. Katy @ Chaos & Kiddos (Guest Host)  52. Katie @ View From The Fridge  
16. April ~ April Noelle  53. Mary @ The Egg Farm  
17. Kate @ Kate Elizabeth  54. Kate @ The Organized Dream  
18. Candilandblogs  55. Catherine @ Living the Gourmet  
19. Cooking with K | Southern Kitchen Happenings  56. Jillian @ Baby Doodah!  
20. Jenni @DigitalEraMom  57. Redo It Yourself Inspirations  
21. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy  58. Nancy @ On The Home Front  
22. The Pinterested Parent  59. 702 Park Project  
23. Boost Your Photography  60. Make it easy crafts  
24. Stephanie @ Superheroes in Jammies  61. Anna @ The Beauty Section  
25. Jennifer@Mommy Life After PhD  62. Amanda @ Rhyme & Ribbons  
26. Marilyn lesniak  63. Darci @ Diary of a Southern Shopper  
27. How to Make the Sun Shine  64. Meaghan @ 4 Sons 'R' Us  
28. Shh!! Momma's Writing!  65. Stacy @  
29. Christina @ Just Miss C  66. Announcingit Invitation Shop  
30. Julia @ The Everyday Momma  67. Storied Charms Jewelry  
31. Heather @ Krafts and Kiddos  68. My Style Purses  
32. Patchwork by Elektra Z and More  69. Bowe Baby  
33. Chris @ A Kitchen Hoor's Adventures  70. Natalie Loves Beauty  
34. V @ Sprout's House  71. Karen @ Fearlessly Authentic  
35. My Family Mealtime  72. Kaelyn MyFairDaily  
36. Mom's Small Victories  73. AMLC: All My Love Crafts  
37. Oh My Heartsie Girl  74. Bernadyn @ B is For...  

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Link up your Twitter accounts here!

1. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  41. Karren@MyLLLS  
2. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Host)  42. Erica @ Mini Monets and Mommies  
3. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Host)  43. Kristi @ making it in the mountains  
4. Julia @ Mini Van Dreams (Host)  44. Rachel @ Craving some Creativity  
5. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Host)  45. Natasha @Tiny Tots Adventures  
6. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Host)  46. Tamara @ the Mrs. and the Mustache  
7. Ce Ce @ A Chicago Mom (Host)  47. Julie Auler  
8. Shana @ Organized Chaos (Host)  48. Zoe @ Prescriptions & Pearls  
9. Bonnie @ LadyBlogger (Guest Host)  49. Leigh Anne @ Houseologie  
10. Kim @ Life in a House of Testosterone (Guest Host)  50. Cat @ yes DEER  
11. Brittany @ (Guest Host)  51. Kimberly@Adventures Of "But Mom"  
12. Shana @ Technotini (Guest Host)  52. MrsTeeH@MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter  
13. Colleen @ Butterfly In The Attic (Guest Host)  53. Bumblebreeblog  
14. Kristin @ Sounds of My Pitter Patter (Guest Host)  54. Katie @ View From The Fridge  
15. Cole @ Peace and Chaos (Guest Host)  55. Mary @ The Egg Farm  
16. Katy @ Chaos & Kiddos (Guest Host)  56. Kate @ The Organized Dream  
17. April ~ April Noelle  57. Catherine @ Living the Gourmet  
18. Anna @ Just a Mum  58. Jillian @ Baby Doodah!  
19. Kate @ Kate Elizabeth  59. Redo It Yourself Inspirations  
20. Candi @ A Day In Candiland  60. Nancy @ On The Home Front  
21. Stacey @ Chasing Cloud 9  61. Genna@Blethering Boys  
22. CookingwithK  62. Sarah @ 702 Park Project  
23. Jenni @DigitalEraMom  63. Make it easy crafts  
24. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy  64. Amanda @ Rhyme & Ribbons  
25. The Pinterested Parent  65. Darci @ Diary of a Southern Shopper  
26. Katie @ Boost Your Photography  66. Meaghan @ 4 Sons 'R' Us  
27. Treat and Trick  67. Stacy @  
28. Stephanie @ Superheroes in Jammies  68. Storied Charms Jewelry  
29. Jennifer@Mommy Life After PhD  69. Announcingit Invitation Shop  
30. Marilyn lesniak  70. My Style Purses  
31. How to Make the Sun Shine  71. This Is Motherhood  
32. Shh!! Momma's Writing!  72. Natalie Loves Beauty  
33. Christina @ Just Miss C  73. Karen @ Fearlessly Authentic  
34. Meredith @Mommy A to Z  74. MyFairDaily  
35. Julia @ The Everyday Momma  75. AMLC: All My Love Crafts  
36. Heather @ Krafts and Kiddos  76. Elisheva & Shoshana  
37. Patchwork by Elektra Z and More  77. Add your blog! @Bloglist24  
38. V @ Sprout's House  78. Helena-Reet Ennet @Ohmygossip  
39. Jennifer @ My Family Mealtime  79. Nordic directory @NordenBladet  
40. Tanya @ Mom's Small Victories  80. Bernadyn @ B is For...  

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Link up your Bloglovin accounts here!

1. Ce Ce @ A Chicago Mom (Host)  37. Madaline @ Pretty Thing and Co.  
2. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  38. My Family Mealtime  
3. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Host)  39. Mom's Small Victories  
4. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Host)  40. Oh My Heartsie Girl  
5. Julia @ Mini Van Dreams (Host)  41. Mini Monets and Mommies  
6. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Host)  42. Kristi @ making it in the mountains  
7. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Host)  43. Natasha  
8. Shana @ Organized Chaos (Host)  44. Tamara @ the Mrs. and the Mustache  
9. Bonnie @ LadyBlogger (Guest Host)  45. Julie Auler  
10. Kim @ Life in a House of Testosterone (Guest Host)  46. Zoe @ Prescriptions & Pearls  
11. Brittany @ (Guest Host)  47. Leigh Anne @ Houseologie  
12. Shana @ Technotini (Guest Host)  48. yes DEER  
13. Colleen @ Butterfly In The Attic (Guest Host)  49. Chelsea @ That's So Chelish  
14. Kristin @ Sounds of My Pitter Patter (Guest Host)  50. MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter  
15. Cole @ Peace and Chaos (Guest Host)  51. Bumblebreeblog  
16. Katy @ Chaos & Kiddos (Guest Host)  52. Katie @ View From The Fridge  
17. April ~ April Noelle  53. Mary @ The Egg Farm  
18. Kate @ Kate Elizabeth  54. Kate @ The Organized Dream  
19. Stacey @ Chasing Cloud 9  55. Living the Gourmet  
20. Cooking with K  56. Jillian @ Baby Doodah!  
21. Jenni @DigitalEraMom  57. Redo It Yourself Inspirations  
22. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy  58. Nancy @ On The Home Front  
23. The Pinterested Parent  59. 702 Park Project - Restoring a 112 Year Old House  
24. Boost Your Photography  60. Make it easy crafts  
25. Stephanie @ Superheroes in Jammies  61. The Beauty Section  
26. Jennifer@Mommy Life After PhD  62. Amanda @ Rhyme & Ribbons  
27. Marilyn's Treats  63. Darci @ Diary of a Southern Shopper  
28. How to Make the Sun Shine  64. Stacy @  
29. Shh!! Momma's Writing!  65. This Is Motherhood  
30. Christina @ Just Miss C  66. Natalie Loves Beauty  
31. Meredith @Mommy A to Z  67. Fearlessly Authentic  
32. Julia @ The Everyday Momma  68. Ie-style: Inspiring Style for Less  
33. Heather @ Krafts and Kiddos  69. MyFairDaily  
34. Patchwork by Elektra Z  70. Ooh La Lovely Blog  
35. Chris @ A Kitchen Hoor's Adventures  71. Bernadyn @ B is For...  
36. V @ Sprout's House  

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Link up your Instagram accounts here!

1. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  32. Karren@Oh My Heartsie Reviews  
2. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Host)  33. Tanya @ Mom's Small Victories  
3. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Host)  34. Kristi @ making it in the mountains  
4. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Host)  35. Natasha @Tiny Tots Adventures  
5. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Host)  36. Tamara @ the Mrs. and the Mustache  
6. Ce Ce @ A Chicago Mom (Host)  37. Julie Auler  
7. Shana @ Organized Chaos (Host)  38. Zoe @ Prescriptions & Pearls  
8. Kim @ Life in a House of Testosterone (Guest Host)  39. Leigh Anne @ Houseologie  
9. Brittany @ (Guest Host)  40. cat @ yes DEER  
10. Shana @ Technotini (Guest Host)  41. MrsTeeH@MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter  
11. Kristin @ Sounds of My Pitter Patter (Guest Host)  42. Bumblebreeblog  
12. Cole @ Peace and Chaos (Guest Host)  43. Katie @ View From The Fridge  
13. Katy @ Chaos & Kiddos (Guest Host)  44. Mary @ The Egg Farm  
14. April ~ April Noelle  45. Catherine @ Living the Gourmet  
15. Kate @ Kate Elizabeth  46. Jillian @ Baby Doodah!  
16. CAndi@A Day in Candiland  47. Redo It Yourself Inspirations  
17. Stacey @ Chasing Cloud 9  48. Sarah @ 702 Park Project  
18. CookingwithK  49. Anna @ The Beauty Section  
19. Jenni @DigitalEraMom  50. Amanda @ Rhyme & Ribbons  
20. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy  51. Darci @ Diary of a Southern Shopper  
21. Stephanie @ Superheroes in Jammies  52. Stacy @  
22. Jennifer@Mommy Life After PhD  53. My Style Purses  
23. Marilyns treats  54. Storied Charms Jewelry  
24. How to Make the Sun Shine  55. Announcingit Invitation Shop  
25. Shh!! Momma's Writing!  56. Natalie Loves Beauty  
26. Christina @ Just Miss C  57. Karen @ Fearlessly Authentic  
27. Julia @ The Everyday Momma  58. Ie-style: Inspiring Style for Less  
28. Heather @ Krafts and Kiddos  59. MyFairDaily  
29. Chris @ A Kitchen Hoor's Adventures  60. AMLC: All My Love Crafts  
30. V @ Sprout's House  61. Ooh La Lovely Blog  
31. My Family Mealtime  62. Bernadyn @ B is For...  

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Link up your Google+ accounts here!

1. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (Host)  29. Chris @ A Kitchen Hoor's Adventures  
2. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (Host)  30. V @ Sprout's House  
3. Cathy @ A Peek Into My Paradise (Host)  31. My Family Mealtime  
4. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Host)  32. Tanya @ Mom's Small Victories  
5. Kaitlyn @ Three Sisters and Us (Host)  33. Oh My Heartsie Girl  
6. Shana @ Organized Chaos (Host)  34. Erica @ Mini Monets and Mommies  
7. Bonnie @ LadyBlogger (Guest Host)  35. Krisi @ making it in the mountains  
8. Kim @ Life in a House of Testosterone (Guest Host)  36. Natasha  
9. Brittany @ (Guest Host)  37. Julie Auler  
10. Colleen @ Butterfly In The Attic (Guest Host)  38. Life Breath Present  
11. Cole @ Peace and Chaos (Guest Host)  39. Zoe @ Prescriptions & Pearls  
12. Katy @ Chaos & Kiddos (Guest Host)  40. Leigh Anne @ Houseologie  
13. April ~ April Noelle  41. MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter  
14. Stacey @ Chasing Cloud 9  42. Katie @ View From The Fridge  
15. KayLittle (Cooking with K)  43. Mary @ The Egg Farm  
16. Jenni @DigitalEraMom  44. Living the Gourmet  
17. Echo @ Domain of the Mad Mommy  45. Jillian @ Baby Doodah!  
18. Boost Your Photography  46. Redo It Yourself Inspirations  
19. Treat and Trick  47. Genna@Blethering Boys  
20. Stephanie @ Superheroes in Jammies  48. Sarah @ 702 Park Project  
21. Jennifer@Mommy Life After PhD  49. Make it easy crafts  
22. Marilyns treats  50. Announcingit Invitation Shop  
23. How to Make the Sun Shine  51. Stacy @  
24. Shh!! Momma's Writing!  52. Bowe Baby  
25. Christina @ Just Miss C  53. Natalie Loves Beauty  
26. Julia @ The Everyday Momma  54. Karen @ Fearlessly Authentic  
27. Heather @ Krafts and Kiddos  55. AMLC: All My Love Crafts  
28. Patchwork by Elektra Z and More  56. Bernadyn @ B is For...  

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Do you have another social media account that is not mentioned above? Then, link it up here! Make sure to put the social media type in parentheses. 

Ex. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (StumbleUpon)

If there are enough links from one type, I will include as a separate list on next week's post.

1. Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures (LinkedIn)  11. Bumblebreeblog (sverve)  
2. Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel (LinkedIn)  12. Living the Gourmet (Tumblr)  
3. Liz @ Look By Liz Lewis (Tumblr)  13. Stacy @ (Sverve)  
4. Brittany @ (YouTube)  14. Stacy @ (StumbleUpon)  
5. Christina @ Just Miss C (Tumblr)  15. My Style Purses (Tumblr)  
6. Patchwork by Elektra Z (STUMBLE UPON)  16. Natalie Loves Beauty (YouTube)  
7. Tanya @ Mom's Small Victories (stumbleupon)  17. MyFairDaily on YouTube  
8. Oh My Heartsie Girl (Tumbler)  18. AMLC: All My Love Crafts (Tumblr)  
9. Julie Auler Youtube  19. Bernadyn @ B is For... (Sverve)  
10. MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter On YouTube  

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