Tuesday, December 31, 2013

$600 Cash Giveaway

What would you do if you won this $600? 
Leave me a comment and let me know and Good Luck!!

Enter the Rafflecopter form below, or click here.
Come back as many times as you would like to complete the entries. Remember, they don't all have to be done at once. The giveaway runs the whole month of January.

Welcome to the December Sponsor Highlights and Giveaway! Sponsored by Raising Reagan and Friends

The lovely ladies sponsoring my part of blogosphere have come together to let you know a little more about them and have a giveaway just for you! Say hello to the beauties that are my sponsors this month and don't forget to stick around to the end and enter the giveaway! Free exposure on some top, sought after blogs with some amazing ad space and PayPal cash!  Sponsored by
Raising Reagan and friends to wish you a Happy New Year.
Raising Reagan | December Sponsor Highlights {and Giveaway!}
I asked my lovelies the following questions:
What’s your favorite winter beverage {or cocktail if you like to spice up your holidays}? Tell us one New Year’s resolution you DON’T want to break this year. {If you don’t make them, what is one thing you MUST accomplish this year?} Please tell me anything coming up soon on your blog and/or business. {Promotions/anniversaries/birthdays/featured posts, etc.}
Sew Crafty Angel Sponsor Highlights
BlogGoogle +TwitterPinterestBloglovin
  Bling Culture Custom Sponsor Highlights
  Deliciously Savvy Sponsor Highlights
  Learn Like A Mom Sponsor Highlights
BlogFacebookTwitterPinterestGoogle +
  West Street Story Sponsor Highlights
BlogFacebookTwitterPinterestGoogle +
  Janine's Confessions of a Mommyaholic Sponsor Highlights
  Munchkins and the Military Sponsor Highlights
  Daydreaming Realist Sponsor Highlights
BlogFacebookTwitterGoogle +Bloglovin
  Lovely You Boutique Sponsor Highlights
BlogFacebookTwitterEtsy ShopPinterest
I would love for you to be included in a sponsors highlight! Please visit my sponsors page and see what I can do for you!
For the December Sponsor Highlights -- Winner receives: $25 PayPal Cash and 30 days First Confessions Ad Space - Janine's Confessions of a Mommyaholic | 30 days Reagan's Sponsors Ad Space - Raising Reagan | Custom Bling Culture Cell Phone Case - Bling Culture Customs
Please see the official rules of all sweepstakes and/or giveaways here
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, December 30, 2013

2014 Here I Come!

Wow, it's almost 2014.  I don't know where the year has gone.  Saying "Time flies" is an understatement of mass proportion.

But, here we are on the brink of another year.   Time to start thinking of New Years resolutions.  There are so many things I want to accomplish in 2014.

So let's see what I've got so far.
*  I want to lose 20 pounds.  ( who doesn't )  I've gained weight this past year and I hate how it makes me feel about myself.  My cheeks are pudgy and my spare tire at my waistline has gained a spare tire of its own.  I really don't feel good about my appearance right now.  The last few months my solution has been to buy bigger cloths, not really the best option for good health.

*  I want to get my life back to some sort of "normal" order for myself.  I'm normally very organized and in control of my life.  Remember I said normally.  My life has turned in to a chaotic roller coaster recently and I'm not enjoying the ride.  I haven't really defined how to accomplish this yet but it's a goal.  One of the biggest issues for me is that I have no control over my time.  It seems as if everyone always needs me to do something and I'm going to have to learn how to use the word "No".

*  I want to find another job that better fits my home and family needs at this time.  I don't want to change careers, I just need a different job.  I'd love to find something closer to home but there's not many facilities near where I live.  My normal drive is an hour to and from work which I hope to avoid that long of a commute.

*  The biggest thing is that I've lost my Peace and I have to get it back.  I don't know if that makes sense to anyone except me but it's always been a big part of who I am.  It's hard to find Peace when your mind is in constant commotion.  "Be Still" has taken on a whole new meaning to me recently.

*  I want to give my craft room a little makeover. It was my place for some "Me Time" that I need again.  It isn't just a craft room, it's my do everything room.  I like having my little spot to be alone and think and blog or whatever.  If you live with a lot of family members I know you will understand this desire.

*  I want to take another cruise to the Bahamas.   Our last cruise was over 2 years ago and I'm so ready for another one.  I love being on the ocean.  I put this on my list because if it's not on the list I'll forget about it until I'm to drained to care then it will be to late to plan and prepare for it. I am pretty good with list which is something I've done my entire life and normally its keeps things fresh in my mind for planning.

*  Then there's my blog.  I want to add some things to it but I haven't worked out all the details as yet.  Those creative juices are still bubbling.  It's been an awesome first year and I've learned a lot from so many wonderful bloggy friends.  Now I think it's time for me to expand my horizons a little.  My plan so far is to kick off with my Birthday/Blogiversary Giveaway which will end on January 30th and then in February add new things to share with my wonderful readers.

If any of you have any great ideas that you'd like to share please leave me a comment?  Is there something that interest you that you'd like to see me add to my blog?  Let me know what you think.

Anyway, this is my list so far.  I've got a lot of planning and work to do in the coming weeks but I think it will all be worth my efforts.  Again, if you have any advice or ideas that you'd like to share please do.  I'd love to hear your feedback.

Look out 2014, here comes Angel!

Friday, December 27, 2013

The CLIMB Linky - January 2014!

God’s Growing Garden
& welcome!!!
It's the month long Networking Blog Hop 
With our third CLIMB GIVEAWAY!
Here's how it works - the co-hosts from the previous month's CLIMB will have the opportunity to participate in a Giveaway during the next CLIMB (this is totally optional) - that gives co-hosts 2 months in a row of blog growing fun!! 
Please enter below -one person will win:
(you must have a PayPal account to enter & be 18 years or older) - 
- $30 PayPal Cash
- 1 Monthly Medium Ad Space on Cuddlebug Cuties
- 1 Month Ad Space on God's Growing Garden
CLIMB Giveaway Rules & Conditions: 
- This is a worldwide Giveaway
- You MUST have a PayPal account to enter
- This Giveaway is open from December 28th, 2013 until January 30th, 2014
- Winner must respond within 48 hours or a different winner will be chosen
- Giveaway Hosts & Co-hosts can NOT enter this Giveaway!, however - January CLIMB blog hop co-hosts MAY enter this Giveaway (provided they are not also part of the Giveaway)
- correspondence is done through email and the winner's email addresses will only be used to deliver or set-up e-prizes.  Email addresses will NEVER be sold or shared.
- if you have any questions or concerns about this Giveaway please email one of the hosts:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now onto the CLIMB (blog hop):

 photo ClimbRules_zps84f341fc.jpg
By participating in this blog hop your email address will be added to our CLIMB list & you will be sent an email reminder next month. 

CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for godsgrowinggarden.com photo ClimbLink_zpsf527c076.jpg

This linky list is now closed.

Remember - Now if you co-host you will receive a free Weekly Sidebar Ad and your blog button will appear on both Angie's blog & Angel's blog!!

(The Ad will run live a few weeks after you have co-hosted)

CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for godsgrowinggarden.com photo ClimbCo-host_zpseca2ac09.jpg

This linky list is now closed.
A talebearer revealeth secrets, but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter. - Proverbs 11:13 (21st Century KJV)

 photo ClimbSig_zpsdeb81227.jpg

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Bloglovin' Hop

Your Devoted Host:

Your Lovely Co-Hosts:


1.  Please follow your host, co-hosts, and sponsors.
2. Enter your Bloglovin' profile URL and manually upload a profile pic from your computer (not directly from Bloglovin').
3.  Visit a few other bloggers, introduce yourself, and follow them.
4.  Tweet and share this hop!


Happy Kids, Inc

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

I Saved Some Dessert for You

My oldest gave me this beautiful rolling pin for Christmas so I had to use it.
We had peach pie, apple pie and cherry pie.  So come on over and try some.
Do you want coffee or hot chocolate with yours?

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Day.
Ours was filled with good food, wonderful family and joy.

Merry Christmas Day 


Monday, December 23, 2013

We Want YOU to join us in this Blogger Opportunity

Yep, it's my Birthday!  I can't believe my blog is going to be 1 year old.  
I'm so excited that I'm having a Giveaway.

I'm inviting you to celebrate with me.  
My friends and I are having a Paypal Cash Giveaway and we want you to join us.  

The amount of the giveaway will depend on the number of bloggers 
who participate in my celebration.  

Of course I'm hoping for a huge turnout of support which will make the amount larger 
and increase the traffic to all of our blogs. 

Our Paypal Giveaway will be open to everyone 
that has access to a Paypal account to receive their winnings.
I am donating the first $50 to get the giveaway going.

Links are $5 each
and to Co-Host is only $15
which buys you 3 links in the Rafflecopter

This Giveaway will be promoted heavily on many media sites.

One lucky winner will be able to start their new year with extra cash in their pocket.

Deadline to sign up is January 8th, 2014
  Please fill out the form below today and celebrate with me.

My blogger email is:  sewcraftyangel@gmail.com 
if you wish to contact me with any questions.
Thank you for your love and support throughout this past year.  
I look forward to many more bloggy years of sharing with you.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

How I Celebrate Christmas

I love Christmas time.  There is something about this time of the year that I can't even explain but it warms my soul.  It looks like I've been tagged by April form 100lb Countdown so now I have to share some of my Christmas traditions and desires with you so you can get to know me better.  So here we go!  Hold on to your jingle bells, lol!

Here are the questions I have to answer.

1.       What do you love the most about Christmas time?
I so enjoy watching all the excitement in the eyes of children.  I love watching it snow.  Listening to Christmas music all month on the radio.  People seem to be nicer at this time of the year.  I just like the feeling in the air, the warmth of Christmas.  Playing in the snow is especially fun to me.  We all enjoy the Christmas Service at church which is always a beautiful production that celebrates the meaning of Christmas to us, Christ birth.

2.       Do you celebrate the holiday in style or is Bah-Humbug for you?
We celebrate Christmas with family.  We love to have a huge dinner then sit around the fireplace playing music and spending time together.  The kids are playing with their toys at our feet and in those moments all is right with the world.

3.       Are you leaving anything out for Santa Claus this year so he remembers to leave your presents?  

Santa got a new Harley so if he knows what's good for him he better remember to leave me a present.  note to Santa: Harleys aren't worth much in pieces, I'm just saying......

4.       What is the one gift you are most looking forward to GIVING? {It can be to your kids, another family member, etc – remember to be discreet if they read your blog!}
I have a money tree fixed up for my daughter, since she always thinks money grows on trees.  I took dollar bills and tied them to the tree limbs.

5.       What is your all-time favorite Christmas movie?
It's A Wonderful Life has always been my favorite Christmas movie.  I captures my heart every time and I sniffle and cry and my husband teases me. 

6.       What is your all-time favorite Christmas song?
My favorite Christmas song is Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree.  We always seem to end up dancing to this song every Christmas.

7.       If given the opportunity would you participate in an “Ugly Sweater” party and what sweater would you wear?  Peruse one on the internet or even in your own closet and show us!
Absolutely!  I've certainly purchased enough ugly sweaters in my life time.  
My husband loved this one.    

8.       Have you started any Christmas traditions this year that you plan on carrying forward?  No new traditions so far, but it's not Christmas yet.

9.       It’s Christmas morning … what does it look like outside where you live?
It will likely be lots of snow on the ground which I love.  I love it when we get snowed in and have to all be home together without options.  It's freezing outside and we sit in the family room and watch the snow fall while we are all warm and cozy inside.  My little guy is fascinated by the snow, at 2 he is just in awe of it.

10.   You just found yourself standing under the mistletoe … who comes up to give you a kiss first?.
In real life it will be my husband but in my dreams it's a young Harrison Ford, huba huba.
Is it warm in here or is it just me?  

Ok, well now you know a little bit more about me so I'm picking 10 beautiful bloggers to tag, so you can learn more about them.  So ladies,

Tag!  You're it!!!   

Katherine - Katherine's Corner
Natasha - Epic Mommy
Cami - TitiCrafty
