
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I'm new to blogging and just wanted to tell anyone who reads this a little bit about who I am.

I'm a registered nurse and have been for many years. I've always been so focused on my role as a nurse that theres never been much time for anything else until now. The most important thing is that now we suddenly have a new little man in our lives.  My husband and I aleady raised our kids and now suddenly we have another.  Wow, talk about a shocker! So needless to say things are changing.  We thought we'd retire early and travel, which we still will but the new kid will probably be pushing us around in a wheelchair.

So here we are, Abraham and Sarah, with our new Jacob.  The child God gave us in our old age. We call Jacob our miracle child, our angel from God.  He endured a scary pregnancy but made it to seven months gestation.  The doctor tried to keep him from coming so early but Jacob just wasn't being patient, still isn't.  He decided it was time to meet the world at 1am after 3 weeks of labor.  Then our Jacob spent many long weeks in the NICU connected to tubes and wires. Doctors kept preparing us for all the worse senarios that he would probably go through. And as a nurse I knew the odds.  However Jacob was obviously of God, his little 2.2 pounds of fighting glory kept proving the doctors wrong. He was so tiny he didn't even look real.  We all sat by the little warmer bed day after day, praying and believing God was in control no matter what the doctors said, and he was. It was the most horrible feeling to see a baby that you loved so much but to not be able to touch or hold him.  I can't describe how heartbreaking it was.  But, once again God prevailed and tiny little Jacob finally came home with us. Our lives changed drastically and I hold my Jacob all the time and he fills my heart with so much joy.  He is worth all the months of waiting and worrying.  So now its time for us to begin a new chapter in our lives, second time around raising a child.  Look out world here we come again!

So here I am writing a blog.  I do love a good crafty project. I wish I could say I have one interest that captures my creative nature but I have many crafting interests. My greatest passion is probably quilting, however, I love creating cards, scrapbooking and love, love, love to resuse anything made of wood. My father made cabinetry and things out of wood when I was a child and I love the smell and feel of wood. With all that being said, obviously I've found a million blogs that interest me. Over the years I've started so many projects that I've gotten to busy to finish. Now I have some time to work on all my projects.

In case you are wondering why I suddenly have time to craft until completion of projects, well that's because after a lot of prayer, I finally decided I had seen all the pain and death that I could handle and I wanted to celebrate life and enjoy time with Jacob.
 I resigned my job recently and decided corporate america would do fine without my weary body and mind. The job I left just was literally sucking the life out of me. To many 16 hour days, too much death, and a boss that only cared about the almighty dollar. I'm sure I'm not the only person whose ever felt this way, but I was just done, just couldn't do it anymore. I got into nursing with the wide-eyed, idealistic dream of helping save the world. Today it seems that nursing, and medical care in general, has just lost the vision of helping human suffering, at least until your insurance coverage is verified, and then only to the minimal extent of your coverage.

Anyway, now I'm spending some much needed time with my family, enjoying life and trusting in God to lead me to whatever I'm supposed to do next.  My youngest daughter loves to create cards so we are spending a lot of time together now which I thoroughly enjoy. I feel like a completely different person . I'm laughing again, my family tells me that I had forgotten how to laugh in the last year before we knew Jacob was coming. I had let my career become my life, I guess you could say I lost my way, but now I've found it again and I can't wait to see where my path will lead me. Now that I remember how to laugh I'm trying to do it a lot so I don't forget again. God will take care of the rest. And Jacob will be my constant reminder the God can create new life in any situation

We all have issues that shake us to the core of our being at times. I hope if this is you that you have the faith to stand firm and trust that God will help you, just stand still for a minute and listen. I knew long before I left my job that I was supposed to leave but I kept hanging in there because I worried that my patients would not have an advocate if I left. I was miserable because I didn't listen when I prayed because I didn't like the answer I was getting, by the time I smartened up I was just miseaible and it was my own fault. I'm not saying for anyone to resign their jobs like I did, I'm saying just take a minute and maybe your answer will come before you reach the miserable stage.

Anyway, I've started so many projects that I still need an extra day in every week to get them all done. I have decided to create a craft room in our unfinished basement so Jacob can play while I create. The kids grew up and we've used the basement to harbor junk for way to many years. Now we have a new baby in the house and need more usable space.  I have started moving everything out of it. What I can't use, I've sold. What I can't sell I've donated and maybe someone can use it. My first yard sale was a success at $429 profit. Now I'm only about a million short of enough money to create the craft room of my dreams. I took some before photos now that I've got it pretty close to empty so you can see where I'm starting from. Wish me luck on this renovation DIY.

Until next time.


Ok, well this one of the before photos.  This 10 x 10 area is going to be a play area for my grandson.  At this time there is one partially finished wall and the rest of the area is concrete.   I've definitely got some creating to do here.

The below photo is a fairly large room that has been used for junk storage.  This rooom will be my craft room.  I have planned out a crafting side to the left, and a sewing area to the right.  I have 3 sewing machines that I want to set up on seperate stands since over the years with all the updates, each one has different features. 

Below is the right side of the room where as you can see are currently old shelves that have been there for probably 20 years.  This is where I plan to use the old tabletops I've held on to for years.  I will have to do some wood work on the structure before I can attach the tabletops. 

Below is the other side of the basement after 20 years of stuff was removed. 
This was a major undertaking.  I'm not sure how this side will end up yet.  Time will tell.


  1. Hi Angel,
    I am so glad to meet you. I am happy that you found the answer to your prayers. I can relate, as you said we have some type of personal experience that shakes things up and makes you listen. Your craft room is going to turn out great. And I am happy that Jacob made it through, sounds like he is a happy and healthy (strong fighter) little boy.I like your blog and hope to hear more from you. Deb

  2. Hi Angel. I do not want to sound rude and I think your blog is great!!! I see you're new to blogging as I am. You have ALOT of audience and I was wondering if may have any tips on this?! I'm trying to get into the link parties, etc. But I just wanted to ask... Thanks so much!!!

    1. Hi Elizabeth,
      Thanks for visiting my blog. In response to your question, I just absolutely love blogging. I visit blog hops, advertise, I host link parties, I post 4 to 5 times a week, I love doing give-aways. I hope this helps. Just keep working at it, your blog will grow and prosper.
