
Monday, May 11, 2015

Techniques to Reduce Stress

(photo from Google)

Sometimes, life can get so hectic it can be hard to stop and find a few moments for ourselves. The constant hustle and bustle of daily life can start to add up and have detrimental effects on our emotional and physical wellbeing. I've been dealing with a tremendous amount of stress lately.  I found these techniques in my search for help and I feel they are helping me to deal more effectively.  Hope they are of help to you also.

By simply taking 15 minutes each day for yourself you can greatly reduce your stress levels. Here are some mindfulness techniques that will help to reduce stress.

Find a quiet place to sit (easier said than done most times). Shift your focus to your breathing and pick a single aspect to focus on: the rising and falling of your chest or the sensation in your nose.  Spend at least five minutes in this state of awareness; when your mind wanders, gently direct it back to your breath. Focusing on a single sensation can help still a racing mind. Focusing on the breath can also lead us to breathe more slowly and deeply, leading to a slower heart rate and a more relaxed state.

Slow down when you are eating, it's not a race to see how fast you can choke down your meal to get on to the next thing that you have to do.  Eat slowly. Focus on each sensation of your food: smell, sight, touch, sound, and taste.  Immerse yourself in the richness of the practice of eating, and try to eat your whole meal slowly with appreciation.  Taking time to appreciate the small things we often miss can liberate us from the constant concerns on our daily life. Eating more slowly can give our bodies the proper amount of time they need for digestion to avoid some common physiological triggers of stress.

Find a comfortable seated position, close your eyes, and bring your attention to the thoughts and feelings you’re experiencing moment to moment. Observe these thoughts and feelings in an open, non-judgmental way; don’t try to change them but simply acknowledge their presence, gently guiding your focus back when your mind wanders. Being able to recognize and separate ourselves from the strong thoughts and emotions we experience can help us learn how to regulate our moods more effectively.

Exerts from


  1. These are great!! Ive been doing yoga poses whenever I can find quiet time to really relax myself. I have severe anxiety issues and try to not medicate when I can!!

  2. I like to get outside and walk.. something about being "out in nature" really calms me down in a way that walking on a treadmill just doesn't.

  3. These tips are great, Angel. Thank you!

  4. I really need this for today. It is shaping up to be a stressful day. I just need to take a few minutes to relax and it will go much better.

  5. Try a pet, we found studies proving they reduce stress hormones in the body. Stopping by from the WW hop, come say hi!

  6. Everything you said in that post is so true :) It's important sometimes to just relax and chill out.

  7. I need to hang this sign on my classroom door for ten more days! Needed the post...thanks and thanks for sharing on the Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. thanks for the techniques especially since im getting alot of exams and its stressing in me out

  9. Oh I think these tips will really help me! Thank you so much for sharing them since it's sometimes hard to deal with stress and you don't know what to do anymore.

  10. Like many, I experience a lot of stress in my own life, so I value this helpful information. Thank you for sharing these wonderful techniques to reduce stress with us at the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party! I am pinning and sharing!

  11. hi, i will use these techniques this wkend...having a grad party of my son on monday and i'm already stressed. thanks.

  12. Phew...I need this right about now. Thank you!
    One way I reduce stress is by coloring in a coloring book. I know it sounds childish, but I find it relaxing.
    Thank you for this piece, I find it useful.

  13. These are wonderful tips thank you for the help.

  14. These are wonderful tips thank you for the help.

  15. Thanks for sharing. I am pretty relaxed but I shall pass them on. :)

  16. Thank you for this :D
    I have been very stressed out, and I'll keep these tips in mind from now on

  17. These really are important techniques! Thanks for sharing!

  18. These are great tips to help reduce stress. I took yoga classes many years ago and learned how breathing slowly and deeply helped to relax me and lower my blood pressure. It even helps to lessen headache pain. I like to stop and really look at nature all around me. It helps me to appreciate God's wondrous gifts and takes my mind away from worry.

  19. Wonderful tips. Thansk for sharing

  20. Great tips!! Thanks for the post :)

  21. These are some great tips. I really needed these right now. Thank you!

  22. I think that this is great advice for everyone during their every day hectic lives.

  23. These are really helpful tips, thanks!

  24. On I'm definitely trying this and sticking to it. I work with the elderly and can be fun as much stressful. Goin to try harder. My mind always wanders and I eat my food way to fast

  25. I usually go for a walk, seems to help!

  26. Thanks for your tips, I love just walking outside with my husband and just being quiet and taking in the nature. To us it's so calming.

  27. Really great tips. Thank you so much for sharing with everyone.

  28. These tips are great. Thank you!
