
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Time to Spring Clean the Garden! - Angelique Ouellette-Tower

SpringClean the Garden by Angie Ouellette-Tower photo BlogStuff_zpsa11c379a.jpg

Time to Spring Clean the Garden!
A house is not the only thing in need of Spring Cleaning – don’t forget about the Garden!  The difference between an enjoyable time working in the yard and a hated “waste” of time is using the correct tool for the job.  Always use the proper tools! – and don’t rush – Patience is essential when Gardening. 
Enjoy your time outdoors in God’s wonderful Creation.
SpringClean the Garden by Angie Ouellette-Tower photo 002_zps45fadc46.jpg
 Rake & Clear:  Pick up all of the leaves, twigs, pine branches, garbage & other debris that Winter left behind.  Clear off areas under fruit trees, berry or flowering bushes (like Lilac or Raspberry bushes and under grape vines).  Uncover your asparagus patch, your herb &/or your tulip bed.  Clear and rake off any area where you are planning to grow something (or where something is already planted).

by Angie Ouellette-Tower photo DSCF1682_zps07189e0a.jpg
Trim & Edge:  Prune your fruit trees and grape vines.  I have always trimmed my fruit trees in early spring (usually March but since we had such an extreme winter this year in Michigan – mid April will suffice).  Cut the dead raspberry & blackberry canes from last season and prune any other berry bush (like Goji berry bushes).  Prune your rose bushes including rosehip bushes.  Cut the old dried asparagus growth down to the ground – do the same with herbs such as sage and lavender.  Edge the grass or other wild growth around the perimeter of your garden – clean & crisp edges! 

SpringClean the Garden by Angie Ouellette-Tower photo DSCF1316_zps502e4312.jpg
Dig & Till:  If you mulched any root crops (carrots/parsnips) to “sweeten” in the ground until Spring – dig them up – What a delicious Springtime treat this will be!!!  If you are planning a new garden area – till the ground.  Or if you planted a cover crop in the fall – till that in for extra soil nutrients.  If you do not have a rototiller you may use a shovel & turn the soil by hand (this will take you quite a bit longer but be postitive – turning by hand will be a better workout for you!)

SpringClean the Garden by Angie Ouellette-Tower photo DSCF1319_zps83ea70e5.jpg
Spread & Separate:  Spread any compost from last year – Compost is free fertilizer!  You can make your own compost with table scraps (vegetable & fruit peelings & cores, egg shells, coffee grounds, leaves etc).  Separate your tulip bulbs, also - Irises & Lilies of the Valley will need to be separated every two or three years.  Remove any “sucker”growth from flowering shrubs & other bushes.  Separate your Rhubarb plants and perennial herbs.  Remember that this part of Spring cleaning the garden will depend on when these plants have flowered or when they should be split or separated.

SpringClean the Garden by Angie Ouellette-Tower photo DSCF1308_zps4eac8ca2.jpg
Plan & Prepare:  Plan where you want each row  and what you want to plant there.  Use every area possible – I have a large leaf compost pile behind one of my grape arbors & I plant my potatoes there inthe compost.  Then prepare your soil - If you don’t know what you will need to add to your soil then I suggest buying a “soil testing kit”.  Also, mound the rows for your sweet potoatoes/potatoes.  Plan -  I spend all winter planning my garden & I usually order my seeds (besides those seeds that I’ve saved from last year) in February at the latest.  If you haven’t ordered or planned anything yet – don’t worry – you still have plenty of time (but get started today! – hahaha).

Note about Timing!  - Spring Cleaning the garden will take more than one weekend worth of work.  Depending on which job you are working on -  you will need to wait for certain plants to flower before separating bulbs and roots.  Be patient – everything has it’s turn under the sun – ENJOY!
In a few months you will be looking at this:

SpringClean the Garden by Angie Ouellette-Tower photo BlogStuff_zps916e5ea2.jpg


  1. Wow Angie, you really make me want to go out there and get our garden in shape! I have such a purple thumb :( Thank you for sharing this very inspiring spring post.

    1. "Purple Thumb" - that's funny - never heard that before. Thanks so much! I'm looking forward to reading your post next week!

  2. Isn't it wonderful to be thinking about gardening again! The weather allowed some cleaning this weekend! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. Thank you so much Angel for letting me contribute to your wonderful blog!

  4. Found you from The Great Train Ride. I really do love your blog. I cannot wait to pick fresh fruits and vegetables.
    Diane Roark

  5. Angel,

    I love the size of your social media buttons with the count on them. Could you share how you made them. The ones in my side bar are really to BIG.
    I pray God will continue to bless you and this wonderful blog.
    Diane Roark

    1. Hi Diane

      Happy to share. I took each icon and shrunk them in picmonkey (which is free online).
      The counters are not automatic, you have to manually put your numbers in each week. It takes about 10 minutes each week to change your numbers. Then once you have the size you want you just add your links for each media site. Does that make sense? I can help you create them if you want to give them a try.

      Thanks so much for visiting my blog and I hope you will visit me again soon.


  6. Well, my garden is just a tiny little patch, which I spend most of the summer trying to rescue from deer, chipmunks, and rabbits. But still, I was out there adding compost this morning. Just get the itch this time of year:)

    1. I know what you mean - critters are crafty. I found this powdered stuff it's actually Coyote Urine but it works on squirrel, chipmunks & rabbits too - (I don't know how they made it into powdered form) - if you want read here:

  7. Thanks for this post. I've been really needing to get out there and work on getting my garden ready. Reading this was just what I needed to feel inspired to do it - thanks!

  8. Ahh I have LOTS of work to do! Can't wait!

  9. I am so excited that the weather is finally turning to spring. I am trying to get into my garden and your post is a great todo list for me. Thanks! Pinning.
