
Monday, April 7, 2014

Blogging Photography

Something I wanted to this year was to teach myself how to take photos for my blog.  
I've used my cell phone for photos for so many years I didn't have a clue 
how to properly use a real camera.

So this weekend I purchased a good quality camera and set out to try different medians 
with the same subjects.  My test subjects were these adorable little Easter rabbits.

This one is outside my front door.

I loved this old wood fence.  Here I added some burlap and lace covered eggs.

Below I wanted to try adding lots of color.
Like I said, I'm a beginner and I have lots to learn.  
I am loving playing working with my new camera.
What do you think?   



  1. It looks great so far, it takes time and I am learning as well. I just signed up for an online DSLR course which is great for me since I am a visual learner. LOL I have to SEE what I am learning and it seems to be working, just so much to learn. Good luck!

  2. Fantastic job!! I'm amazed that you've been taking such great pictures with your phone up until now - wow! My sister is a professional photographer so if I ever have any questions - she has the answers.
    These pictures look like you've been using a real camera for life! Have fun!

  3. Great job sweetie,I had no idea you had been using your phone. Loving your sweet bunnies too xoxo

  4. Photos look amazing Angel! I also recently updated to a good quality camera, and I'm glad I invested because I'm so happy with how my photos have been turning out :)

  5. You did a great job! you got some great shots! I've my camera for some times now, but I'm still treating it as point and shoot cause I know nothing about it!

  6. Good for you! That's on my list too -- get a good camera and learn how to use it!!! What camera did you get?

  7. Very nice photos. I have yet to explore all of the things that I can do with my camera, but it's a lot of fun experimenting with different settings. I've always wanted to learn how to develop my own photos.

  8. The photos are very nice and I love the bunnies they are darling. It is so exciting to get a camera! I got mine about a year ago and I love it but I am still learning and I think I need to take a class. Stopping by from the Hearts for Home blog.

  9. These are so them. I cannot believe it is Easter week already! Thanks for sharing on the Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Such a great job, those flowers are gorgeous! And your pictures were always so great! I hear you about wanting to increase quality, wonderful job :)
