
Thursday, December 19, 2013

How I Celebrate Christmas

I love Christmas time.  There is something about this time of the year that I can't even explain but it warms my soul.  It looks like I've been tagged by April form 100lb Countdown so now I have to share some of my Christmas traditions and desires with you so you can get to know me better.  So here we go!  Hold on to your jingle bells, lol!

Here are the questions I have to answer.

1.       What do you love the most about Christmas time?
I so enjoy watching all the excitement in the eyes of children.  I love watching it snow.  Listening to Christmas music all month on the radio.  People seem to be nicer at this time of the year.  I just like the feeling in the air, the warmth of Christmas.  Playing in the snow is especially fun to me.  We all enjoy the Christmas Service at church which is always a beautiful production that celebrates the meaning of Christmas to us, Christ birth.

2.       Do you celebrate the holiday in style or is Bah-Humbug for you?
We celebrate Christmas with family.  We love to have a huge dinner then sit around the fireplace playing music and spending time together.  The kids are playing with their toys at our feet and in those moments all is right with the world.

3.       Are you leaving anything out for Santa Claus this year so he remembers to leave your presents?  

Santa got a new Harley so if he knows what's good for him he better remember to leave me a present.  note to Santa: Harleys aren't worth much in pieces, I'm just saying......

4.       What is the one gift you are most looking forward to GIVING? {It can be to your kids, another family member, etc – remember to be discreet if they read your blog!}
I have a money tree fixed up for my daughter, since she always thinks money grows on trees.  I took dollar bills and tied them to the tree limbs.

5.       What is your all-time favorite Christmas movie?
It's A Wonderful Life has always been my favorite Christmas movie.  I captures my heart every time and I sniffle and cry and my husband teases me. 

6.       What is your all-time favorite Christmas song?
My favorite Christmas song is Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree.  We always seem to end up dancing to this song every Christmas.

7.       If given the opportunity would you participate in an “Ugly Sweater” party and what sweater would you wear?  Peruse one on the internet or even in your own closet and show us!
Absolutely!  I've certainly purchased enough ugly sweaters in my life time.  
My husband loved this one.    

8.       Have you started any Christmas traditions this year that you plan on carrying forward?  No new traditions so far, but it's not Christmas yet.

9.       It’s Christmas morning … what does it look like outside where you live?
It will likely be lots of snow on the ground which I love.  I love it when we get snowed in and have to all be home together without options.  It's freezing outside and we sit in the family room and watch the snow fall while we are all warm and cozy inside.  My little guy is fascinated by the snow, at 2 he is just in awe of it.

10.   You just found yourself standing under the mistletoe … who comes up to give you a kiss first?.
In real life it will be my husband but in my dreams it's a young Harrison Ford, huba huba.
Is it warm in here or is it just me?  

Ok, well now you know a little bit more about me so I'm picking 10 beautiful bloggers to tag, so you can learn more about them.  So ladies,

Tag!  You're it!!!   

Katherine - Katherine's Corner
Natasha - Epic Mommy
Cami - TitiCrafty



  1. Thank you so much Angel for tagging me and totally loved reading your answers here tonight. My favorite was the money tree and totally think that is so ingenious for sure!! :)

  2. You little cutie pie, you tagged me...giggle. I enjoyed reading your answers my friend.
    1. What do you love the most about Christmas time?
    The whole thing, the reason for the season, the decorating, the music, the overall happy!
    2. Do you celebrate the holiday in style or is Bah-Humbug for you? Style, total holiday hullabaloo
    3. Are you leaving anything out for Santa Claus this year so he remembers to leave your presents?
    No, but I will be giving him a kiss before I go to bed, LOL
    4. What is the one gift you are most looking forward to GIVING? {It can be to your kids, another family member, etc – remember to be discreet if they read your blog!}
    Power washer for my hubby ( he has no idea) he talked about how he wished he had one this summer
    5. What is your all-time favorite Christmas movie?
    Oh that is a tough as I have a few…Miracle on 34th street and It’s a Wonderful Life are both at the top of my list
    6. What is your all-time favorite Christmas song?
    I’ll be home for Christmas
    7. If given the opportunity would you participate in an “Ugly Sweater” party and what sweater would you wear? Peruse one on the internet or even in your own closet and show us!
    I would definitely participate, I envision lots of glitter and maybe blinking lights on mine.I like the reindeer one you shared. Merry Christmas my friend xo

    8. Have you started any Christmas traditions this year that you plan on carrying forward
    Not sure it qualifies as a tradition. But I put up a kitchen Christmas tree this year and I look forward to adding ornaments to it over the years.
    9. It’s Christmas morning … what does it look like outside where you live?
    Snow, snow, snow!

    10. You just found yourself standing under the mistletoe … who comes up to give you a kiss first?.
    My hubby and our dog, giggle

  3. I so much love everything about Christmas too! Sadly, I married a Scrooge. All he see's is the hustle and bustle and the money being spent. Grr. One one of these days I'm going to hold him hostage and dip him in Christmas cheer until he conforms. :)

  4. I Love the money tree, shame the smallest note we have over here in the UK is £5 it would end up costing quite a bit!

  5. How fun! Thanks for the tag! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  6. Aww lovely post, we are like you family time and a big Christmas feast I love Christmas so much, giving and seeing everyones faces is priceless :) Merry Christmas ...

  7. Lovely post I enjoyed reading it. Thank you for sharing your Christmas and I love the tree idea might need to use a twig for mine though as it would cost a fortune in 5euro notes....daughter would love it though. I've put a video on my blog of our Christmas decorations here in Cyprus....if you find time you're most welcome to visit. Have a lovely Christmas with your family in the snow. Hugs Wynn xx

  8. Those are great questions. And unique answers!

  9. The money tree idea is super clever! Love it!

  10. A couple of friends did a money tree this year. Super cute and easy! Who doesn't want money? And my that is an ugly sweater! :)
