
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Harvest

"We thank Thee, O Lord, for this bountiful harvest!"Wow, I can't believe it's November.  I grew up on a tobacco farm and I can remember when the weather got cold my daddy started talking about the upcoming time to strip tobacco.  I remember the warmth from the huge metal barrel in the barn for heat, the songs we all sang while we worked, the smell of my mommas cornbread she'd bring down from the house at lunchtime.  We worked hard living on a farm, by age five I was cooking and was actually pretty good at it.  We also learned that the work could be enjoyable as well as hard.  My Gramma sounded like an angel singing as she worked alongside PaPaw.  My grandpa taught my daddy, and daddy taught us kids, that if you sow good seed in fertile ground and trust in The Lord you will reap a bountiful harvest.

Cotton farmer, John Vanderslice, and his daughter stand on newly planted field, May 1972 by The U.S. National Archives, via Flickr

I truly believe that you reap what you sow and that good seed planted among rocks instead of fertile soil will reap weeds for your labors.  Every choice has a consequence. If we make wise decisions, we can expect good things, a good harvest of of fields.   If we make rash choices, we can anticipate negative consequences.  In other words, you reap what you sow, more than you sow, and later than you sow.  You probably wonder where I'm going with this.  Honestly I'm not really sure.

Some become deceived because their present seed has yet to produce a crop. So they mistakenly believe that there will never be a harvest.  But unlike the crops of the field, which are gathered at approximately the same time each year, there is no regular timetable for the harvest of life. Some results come quickly; others take a long time. But do not be deceived—their season will come. And by going the second mile now and doing more than is required, we will collect rich dividends later.
“For whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” What a comforting and assuring thought to those who faithfully labor under difficult circumstances!

Reap what you sow

Does this story sound familiar?  A farmer went out to plant some seeds.  As he scattered them across his field, some seeds fell on a footpath, and the birds came and ate them. Other seeds fell on shallow soil with underlying rock. The seeds sprouted quickly because the soil was shallow. But the plants soon wilted under the hot sun, and since they didn’t have deep roots, they died. Other seeds fell among thorns that grew up and choked out the tender plants. Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted!
Drought on agriculture

I wasn't sure where this post was going when I started writing but I felt compelled to put the message on paper.  Somebody out there needs to hear it.  If you have been working hard on something that you felt you were meant to do, don't stop.  Don't give up on your dream.  The harvest doesn't come overnight.  Your seeds need time to take root and become strong as they push upward towards the sun thereby producing your harvest.

Step back and look at where you've planted your seeds.  Is it fertile ground?  Or are you scattering seeds among weeds and rocks?  Are you focused on making your crops grow or, are you just tossing seeds on the ground and hoping something might sprout if you're lucky?  Are you doing the things you need to do to reap a grand harvest?  Stop, look at where you are planting.

Vegetable Basket


  1. Fantastic post!! - So inspirational - Thank you!

    1. Hello Sweet Friend,
      I'm glad to have you visit me. .
      You are Awesome!

  2. Wow, I needed to hear that today! This was a very thoughtful, inspirational post and, in fact, very timely for me! Thank you

    1. Hi Vickie
      I'm so glad this is what you needed today, Don't give up on your harvest.

  3. Great post! Thank you for the inspirational message. I needed this today.


    1. Thanks Lisa
      Great to have you visit with me today.

  4. Sounds like you have a wonderful upbringing. Your inspirational message was perfect.

    Royalegacy R&M Wordless Wednesday: Tarantula

  5. Thanks Danielle,
    Great to have you visiting with me today.

  6. I love how you have delivered this message of patience, hard work and faith, Angel. This is such a beautiful post and I love the photos, especially the second one - is that you with your dad? I can't believe you started cooking when you were only five years old; that's amazing! I really love visiting your blog and have now joined your site :)

    1. Sorry - just realised I've already joined your site .. wish I could join it twice!

  7. Beautiful post Angel! Your parents and grandparents taught you well my friend!! What a sweet picture of you...adorable!! Thanks for sharing this Angel and thanks for linking up! Have a blessed week! ;-)

    1. Hello sweet friend,
      thanks for visiting with me. I'm always so glad to have you come by. I enjoy reading your words and am always inspired when I visit you.

  8. Wonderful post and words of wisdom! Found you at Michell's.

    1. Hi Cynthia,
      Thanks for your visit with me today. Great to see you. I've found you a little bit ago and you have a wonderful blog. I've enjoyed visiting your place too.

  9. Our friends with a farm would agree with this!

    Louisa @ My Family & Abruzzo

    1. Hello,
      thanks for spending some time with me today. Great to have you visit.

  10. What a lovely post thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks. So glad to have you visiting with me today.

  11. I love the post and I love reading a little about your history.

    1. Hi Dear Friend,
      I'm so glad you visited me today and glad you enjoyed my post.

  12. Love the new look on the blog! Great post, and vintage photo :) You're so inspiring.

    1. Hi Steffany
      Great to have you visit me. So glad you liked the post. How are your beautiful babies?

  13. Hi Cami
    I'm glad you enjoyed the post. Also glad that you are visiting with me today, always great to see you.

  14. Beautiful post. Thank you for your inspiration. I found you through the Prowess and Pearls link up. I joined your page, can't wait to hear more!!

    heather @

  15. It is a wonderful post and it is motivational, have a good day!

  16. Fantastically put and very uplifting. Thank you for your post!

  17. Are you a motivational speaker? If should be. I've been struggling through a very UGLY divorce and the fighting over my kids will never stop, but I'm not giving up. Like you said, "Don't give up on your dream." My dream is to one day have full physical custody of my children and take them away from their verbally abusive father. Here's to my dream! =)

  18. Wonderful and uplifting post thank you for sharing.

  19. Wonderful and uplifting post thank you for sharing.

  20. What a really nice post and so true. Never give up your dream.

  21. I think this is what I needed today. Sometimes it is hard to do the right things in life when you see no results. But it is important to remember that good things will happen sometimes it just takes time.

  22. Inspirational words is what I was definitely in need of today with all the changes in my life right now. Thank you!

  23. Wow! Great message! Thanks for sharing!

  24. Yes, I too believe that if you work hard you will reap rewards. But, you must be patient and sometimes you must try, try and try again. My parents instilled this into me and my siblings. I have passed their wisdom on to my children and I'm happy to see that they're passing it on to my grandchildren.

  25. Such a lovely story! Thank you for sharing.

    Edye //

  26. I love to grow things too! Sounds like you had a great upbring. Very inspirational thanks for sharing.

  27. I love to grow things too! Sounds like you had a great upbring. Very inspirational thanks for sharing.

  28. Harvesting, farming is lots of hard work, good luck and thank you

  29. Love your post, pretty much sums up our life in general, I can remember my grandmother saying those exact words!!!! Thanks for the reminder, very powerful!

  30. Love you post, I grew up on a farm and it's amazing how the world looks in a field that you are harvesting. All the patience in planting an waiting then you reap the rewards. Thanks for sharing your beautiful words.

  31. I totally agree with everything in your post. Thanks so much.

  32. Fantastic post. So inspirational.
