
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Meet My Guest Michell from "Prowess and Pearls"

Inline image 1Hi everyone! I would like to thank my sweet friend Angel who invited me into her lovely space today to share with you. And thank you all for stopping by! For many of you reading this post, you’ll be finding out what I share with my lovely readers over at my “place” in the bloggersphere every Monday. What would that be you ask…”Mastering YOU Monday” of course! It’s a series where it’s all about you, me, us and the things we need to master about ourselves in order to master our lives! Today, I’m writing about how we’re ALL God’s “favorites”, yep, that’s right! And He truly desires that we know this truth! 

We as women have learned and mastered the game of “pretending” that everything is okay! We say to ourselves that life is great and we’re doing just fine, when deep inside we’re yearning for something more…wanting reassurance that He really does have us and that we’re kept and loved and treasured by Him. I’m here to tell you that He really does and we really are…yes indeed!

 Do you ever find yourself having one of those days? You know…one of those “does anyone even care” or "is it ever going to get better" kind of days? Those days where you get out of bed and push yourself because you know that’s the only way you’ll get through the day and quite frankly you’ve got babies to raise, jobs to go to, houses to manage and others are depending on you. 

God tells us in His word that He remembers us. And we all know that God IS NOT like man! When we as humans remember someone or something, it's because we have forgotten about them/it. God's “remembering” is on a totally different level! When He says He remembers us, He’s reminding us of His promise to NEVER abandon us and to never leave us without help and comfort. He will never forsake us, He has never and will never forget about us…He will ALWAYS hold us dear to His heart. Do you get that…I mean really get it? God never for a moment forgets about His girls – we are ALWAYS on His mind! 

And despite the craziness that may be going on all around us, and no matter where we may find ourselves in this life, or the circumstances we may find ourselves in; even if those situations or circumstances are by the fault of our own hands…in the face of all of this, His grace and mercy are new for us EVERY morning! Yep, that’s the kind of God we serve! God is right here with us and He’s always aware of our deepest desires and our hidden pains, EVEN when we think He’s forgotten all about us! God Almighty Himself created us before the beginning of time and because of that, He places a high value on each and every human life and yes that includes yours!! So, if you ever find yourself having one of those days where you’re at your lowest point, at the end of your rope or at your wits’ end - just speak to yourself these word…that “God IS MINDFUL of me and He ALWAYS has MY BEST interest at heart”! On your road to “mastering you”... keep this in mind (even if you don’t think so)…that He will ALWAYS remember YOU!! 

Psalm 136:23, Genesis 30:22, Psalm 115:12-13, 1 Peter 5:7
All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” by Michell Pulliam

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  1. My son goes to a church school and the vicar was telling the children this the other day. My son is better at reminding me of this than myself! : )

    Louisa @ My Family & Abruzzo

    1. Great son you have there Louisa!! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings!

  2. Thanks MIchell for that great dose of encouragement. I definitely have those moments when I feel invisible and it's comforting to know God always keeps me in mind.

    1. Welcome Wanda! Oh yes my friend, we ALL need to be reminded of that every now and then, don't we! Have a blessed week Wanda!

  3. Yep those moments come and go. - I know this yet I want to have amnesia when I'm at a low point. Great post Michell!

    1. Hahaha Kenya...IKR! We KNOW what the Word says, but sometimes I think it's easier for us to retreat and have self-pity. I know this all too well, lol! Thanks so much for stopping by Kenya, have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Hi Michell! What good words for a Monday! Whatever my circumstances, God is there to meet me with his grace to pull me through...and not only 'pull through' but get through in style.

    I need to hear this from other people, because it's just too easy to fall back and doubt. We need each other to encourage and support. And you did that for me today. Thank you!

    1. HA, I like that Ceil...getting through in "style"! :-) Yes we do, don't we my friend!! Thank you so much! Blessings to you as well Ceil!!

  5. Michell, I love that you touched on when we feel like God has forgotten us. Sometimes, He is so quiet, not answering us, letting things happen to us that are unfair, we feel He is distant. Thank you for all these powerful reminders about what is REALLY going on during our low points. XOXO

    1. Hey Meredith! Yes, He is ALWAYS there working behind scene on our behalf! I absolutely LOVE that about our God!! Have a wonderful weekend my friend! xoxoxo

  6. Thanks again Angel for inviting me to spend Monday here over at your place! Blessings my friend!!
