
Monday, July 22, 2013

Have You Let Yourself Go After Marriage & Kids?

Sweatpants may be much cozier than those form-fitting jeans but if you’re perpetually donning clothes you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing out in public, then you may be a little too comfortable in your relationship. Getting dolled up daily is a little unrealistic, so try swapping your sweats for a more feminine alternative and running a comb through your hair wouldn't hurt either, no offense to anyone, but we've all been there.

Diane Kruger shopping in LA, June 8th  Diane Kruger goes grocery shopping in sweat pants and with a Chanel purse, remains fabulous while doing so.

Like clothing, your beauty routine can easily hit slump mode as time to primp gets harder to come by. But just taking five minutes to spruce yourself up shows your spouse that you still want to look good for him. On date nights, book the baby-sitter to come early so that you have time to get ready.

putting on makeup

Having other things going on in your life-hobbies, passions, projects will help you continue to grow as an individual and stay interesting to your partner.
Try straying from your comfort zone to show your spouse that you care about his interests. Do something together that he would love, like going to a soccer game or a restaurant you’re not really into. Enjoy the fact that he’s delighted you’ve chosen to do what he likes to do.  Who knows, you might even enjoy it if you tried.
Another consequence of a busy household and getting too stuck in your routine is forgetting the romance that brought you together as a couple in the first place. Plan a night to get away together or for kids to be away so you can have a romantic night. When young and in love, most couples can’t keep their hands off each other. But as the novelty of your spouse wears off your desire to smother him in kisses may wane too. Give him a big hug when he comes home in the evening or if you come home last go find him for a hug.

#couple #love
Surprising your husband with a gift, it doesn’t need to be expensive just a token that you care like a book on a subject he is interested in. Buy it out of the blue and sit together when you pass it to him-don’t just hand it over the kitchen table, as you will downgrade the moment.
It is most important to remember who you both are and what made you fall in love in the first place, reminisce about fun times you had together.

  Mariana + Carlos  #Couples #Love #Partners #Photography #Vintage #Life #Smile #Laugh       Nothing is more uplifting than an old couple in love (31 Photos)


Article exerts by Scott Douglas, Mallary Collier & Mr. CEO


  1. Angel I am well past 65 and I remember reading this /similar information when I was a young girl . Some things never change .
    Lovely to have refresher course...
    hugs Shirley-Anne

    1. Hi Shirley-Anne
      So true, some things never change. So glad to have you visit me tonight.

  2. I absolutely love this! Tons of great advise. You're right, it doesn't take long to look just a little bit nicer.

    1. Hi
      Thanks for visiting. It's easy to get off track when life gets crazy. But a minute or two helps and you feel better about yourself

  3. So very true... Although I wasn't a fashion bombshell before, but I definitely wear my share of sweats or yoga pants in my daily wardrobe. I have to change that!

    1. We all love our comfy cloths but sometimes we need to make a little effort out of respect for ourselves. Great to see you today and you are a lovely young woman.

  4. Wow, what a great reminder! Thanks for this great post!

  5. Hi Marilyn
    Good food for thought. Thanks for visiting me today. I just left your blog and those muffins look delicious. I'm your newest follower via Bloglovin GFC. And FB.

  6. I'll be 62 soon and forget the makeup. Without glasses I can't see. Hubby loves me just the way I am though. I do take care of myself, but I do wear sweats too. Just not all the time.

    I came over from Judy's place.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  7. I love sitting around in my jammies as much as the next lady, but I refuse to make a habit out of it. I try to exercise daily and look presentable, not just for my husband, but myself also. I don't want to look in the mirror each day and go "ewww! who is that?" lol. Don't get me wrong, some days I just don't feel up to getting spruced up, but I try not to make a habit out of it.

    1. Hi Theresa
      We all like to lounge sometimes which is great. Making it a habit is where women loose who they were.

  8. Great article Angel! Although I have "house clothes" that are comfy and appropriate for playing in the dirt with grandboy, I would never wear them out in public. I don't wear as much make-up in the summer months but I still make myself presentable. I like to look good for myself so I make the effort. I see it this way, I like for my husband to be nice looking and clean so I do the same for him.

    1. Hi Angie
      Great to see you. I'm with you, I like to look good for myself as well for my husband I just feel better when I look better.

  9. I enjoyed your post! =)
    It is so important to look nice, ( both at home for your spouse..and when you go out ) never know who you might see when you are out doing errands!!
    I try to look my best when I go to the grocery store..but there are times when I get ready in a hurry..

    1. Hi Melissa
      Thanks for your visit today. It never fails that when you look like a slob you'll run into someone you know.

  10. Lol, this was a great post. I'm always dolled up when I go outdoors and that bothers my husband because indoors I'd wear a regular old tank top, lounge shorts and a head scarf. Every once in a while he'd tell me I look like Aunt Jemima at home but cute for strangers. To me it doesn't make sense to be dressed up to sit in my home office all day every day, but I try to be "decent" just for him. Somehow I end up going back to my old Aunt Jemima ways, lol.

    1. Hi Ronda
      I know what you mean. I work from home now and I'm always tempted to just work in PJs. But after 32 years of marriage I still like to feel good about myself. I'm not a dolled up type of person but I like looking well groomed even in ratty jeans or sweats. I have small kids still which makes it almost impossible to stay clean for very long, lol.

  11. Perhaps this is one of my favorite posts you've done. Every one of us needs this reminder! Well done, and thanks for keeping it real. {Your illustrations made me smile!}


    1. Hi Meredith
      I definitely have to remind myself sometimes. The kids keep me running and it's tempting to just let it go, but I always feel better about myself when I look better. We need to do these things for ourselves, taking pride in who we are. So glad you came to visit. Don't forget to come to my Thursday Favorite Things Hop.

  12. Angel, this is such great advice! Pulling this off takes conscious effort, but it can definitely be done. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You feel better when you look better, a great boost to improve your self confidence.
      Thanks for visiting me today. Great to have you here.

  13. Great advice! Usually I am fairly put together, but I have my moments. Once I ran out to the drugstore to grab something on one of my not so good days and of course I ran into a mom that is always ALWAYS put together and she took one look at me and said "what happened to you?" I didn't think I looked that bad, but maybe I did! Yikes!

    1. Hi Michelle
      It never fails, if you run into someone it has to be the most together person you know, lol.
      Thanks for visiting me today. I visited you also and love your bug dog post. I've got 4 ankle biters that are like having more toddlers around the house.
      Also I'm our newest Bloglovin follower.

  14. Thank you for the wake-up call! You've made some very good points there. I do find myself dressed like, I don't know...trash! I agree that we must make an effort to look at least a little bit better and not completely let go.

  15. Hi Tarana
    Great to have you visit. You are so right, a little bit of effort makes a difference. Thank you again for visiting me. Hope you will visit often.
