
Monday, May 6, 2013

Surviving Motherhood

Surviving Motherhood

I'm going to share with all of you the secret I've learned about Surviving Motherhood.
Please come close to the screen, a little closer, little closer please.
That's perfect, now are you ready?  I'm only gonna tell you this one time.
Are you ready?  The secret is, "There isn't a secret.  Motherhood is survival of the fittest"

However I have learned a few Do's and Don'ts I will share with you.

1.  Do get out of the house, don't become a hermit because you gave birth and are tired. 
2.  Don't stick your finger in your kids diaper to see if there is something inside it.  
3.  Do Exercise - and I'm not talking about running the house like a mad woman.  Set yourself up with some type of physical exercise that you enjoy and just DO IT.  I've started walking my neighborhood pulling Jacob in a wagon, those hills are killers but I feel better when I'm done.
4.  Don't loose your temper.  Remember the old saying "don't let'em see you sweat" .  Basically don't sweat the small stuff and in the grand scheme of life, most of it is small stuff.  If you kid pours milk all over the floor, don't sweat it, wipe it up and get on with your day.
5.  Don't cry over spilled milk unless it's breast milk that you just pumped and you accidentally dropped it.
6.  Do laugh when you want to cry.  
Learn to laugh at yourself and life will be a little easier and a lot more fun.
Stuff happens, get used to it and get on with it.  After all, is whatever you want to cry about anything you'll remember or care about when you kid is 18 and leaves for college?  Laugh, you'll feel better.
7.  Housework this is a toughie.  My house doesn't look like it used to.  Sometimes I'm just to exhausted to care.  I've got toys everywhere, stains on the furniture, baby wipe containers EVERYWHERE.  But I've had an amazing revelation about my house; "We live in it and we have a toddler.  I'm doing my very best.    
If you are my friend you can overlook a little messy sometimes. If you're my friend you won't mind stepping over some toys to come visit me.  If you're not my friend, then I don't really care anyway so why give it a second thought."  
8.  Do eat a healthy diet.  Junk food is so easy and convenient but in the end it just weighs you down.  I have to admit that I've never met a donut that I didn't like.
9.  Do find some balance in your life.  Find some "Me" time in your busy schedule. I'm struggling really hard with this one.  Find time to be creative, turning off creativity will make your life torture.  You need that outlet.
Patience will help you to overcome almost anything.  Simplify your life; don't make things any harder than they have to be.  Remember KISS.  
10.  Do remember that if being a mother was easy, men would do it.
11.  Do learn to Forgive, yourself and others for mistakes.  You're never going to be Perfect and neither is anyone else. 

Self Portrait of what All Moms want to be

I've ran companies and worked hard all my life but no job I've ever done was 
as hard or as important as being a Mom.

I'm sure you all have learned Dos and Don'ts of your own.
Hope you will share with us in the comments section.
I'd love to hear from you.

till next time



  1. OMG! LOVE this! Definitely agree on all of this :)

  2. I agree too...Don't sweat the small stuff.

    1. Hi Sheetal
      In the grand scheme of life, most of it is small stuff, lol

  3. This is brilliant. I love number ten. I snorted when I read it. There are a lot of tips in here that I really already know, but when you're elbow deep in another upturned toybox or spilled bowl of cereal it's hard to remember. I think I'll need to write these down and keep them within eye sight at all times.

    1. I feel ya, there's always something to clean around here. Thanks for visiting.

  4. Amazing advice!!
    I love No 10: Remember that if being a mother was easy, men would do it
    You said it sistah!!

    1. Three cheers for the Mommies!
      Thanks for visiting.

  5. What a terrific post Angel! I think you covered it all!

    1. Hi Paula
      Thanks for visiting. See you at your Wed hop.

  6. This is awesome Angel ~ I love this...And I am so glad that I have the wiser crowd to help me through this thing called motherhood!!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

    1. Hi Lanaya
      You've got a little one, you know how it is. There's always something going on. I was pouring some milk today and had Jacob sitting on the counter beside me and before I had the milk in the glass he had emptied the entire sugar container onto the counter. What do you do? I just put up a little sign " Ants eat free tonight"

  7. Great advice!! I would have to agree. And I actually have cried over spilling all the breast milk. :)


  8. Hello there stopping by from What Jean Likes.

    Would love it if you come on by and visit us on our website at:

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    Thanks so much!

  9. Great advice. Housework will always be there but your children won't. Time passes so fast. My daughters have grown up and now have families of their own. Just seems like yesterday that they were only small. Children won't remember if the house was tidy or not but they will remember the time you spent with them. Let them play and teach them to be creative and don't worry about the mess they make. Don't be like one mother who used to live down the street many years ago. She sent her two boys outside all the time as she didn't want a messy house. The 8 year old set fire to the PMG tent that was over some work they were doing across the road. They moved away not long after, I hate to think how those boys turned out.

  10. This is a great list and I wholeheartedly agree. If you worry too much, before you know it the kids are grown and you missed out on all the fun!!

  11. I agree with Grammargaret, it will always be there, when my kids were young I would drive them and me crazy, I know I had to visit a therapist to have them tell me I was over board in my expectations, tidy is one thing, but it can get out of hand, dont sweat the small stuff enjoy life! Great list!!{{I love #10}}

    Thanks for the opportunity to share my blog link, hope you can stop by to do the same.
    Oh My Heartsie WW" w/Linky

  12. Thanks for sharing this for WW!!

  13. Great advice! I agree with it all! :-) I used to get annoyed that I can no longer have a somewhat spotless house. I have a toddler who loves to bring her toys into whatever room mommy is in, especially the kitchen. There is a toy shopping cart in my kitchen and a kitchen set in my living room and toy phones in my bedroom. Her toys have taken over our home, and that's okay. :-)

  14. Fab list - would love for you to link this up at The Friday Baby Shower. Goes live at 7pm EST this evening, Alice x

  15. I love this! It is so true too. My house looks like a tornado hit, the yard has toys all over the place, but my kids are happy and so am I. Being a mom doesn't mean being perfect, it just means doing your best to keep your kids happy and healthy and yourself too! Thanks for sharing this at the Friday Follow Along Party. I am your newest fan on bloglovin!

  16. Been there done all that & then some. Keep your chin up because don't blink it'll soon be over & your kids will be doing what you're doing with their kids. Hailing in from Friendship Friday! Happy Mother's Day!

  17. What a wonderful post! Being a mommy is tough but it is one of the most fulfilling jobs to have. Please share this with us @ The Show Off Blog Party :)

    The Wondering Brain

  18. Thus is AWESOME!! I have 5 kids and still pull a #2 every once in a while on accident! But hey...that's where #11 comes in! I will be sharing this with friends for sure! Thanks for sharing at

  19. Omgosh! LOL!! Love this :) I'm going to share this on Facebook tomorrow! We can't wait to see what you share at tomorrow's All My Bloggy Friends!

  20. Thank you so much for linking up at the Friday Baby Shower - look forward to seeing you at this week's party, Alice x
