
Monday, April 15, 2013

Craft Room Ideas

Hello Friends

I've been working on my craft room recently.  
I've made a lot of improvements and changes.
Pinterest has a lot of wonderful ideas for redecorating if anyone is interested.  
I have some craft rooms and decorating ideas to share with you today which are from Pinterest.  

This first one is absolutely awesome.  I would love to have this room and enough space to create this room. Seriously, this is so me.  I love all the different work areas so you can do multiple projects at one time and be able to keep track of what you are working on.  This is my dream craft room space.

In this photo I love the thread rack.  I have incorporated a large rack into my room.  
I've got like a million spools of thread and can never find the color I am looking for when I need it.

Below are shelves made to do a great job of display and functionality.
I adapted this idea with the use of stackable white cubes with shelves and drawers.

Aah, the PINK beauty.  Don't you just love this. Pink is my favorite color.
I can just see my husbands face if I tell him I am painting my desk PINK.  
He'd be so happy he'd probably cry, lol.

Below is an adorable kitchen hutch that has been upcycled. 
I have an old one in my basement that I am going to do the same thing to. 
I want to strip it and paint it some, as yet, undetermined color.  
Hey maybe I'll paint it PINK.
Currently my fabric stash is on black bookcases that I've recycled.

I have the same ribbon holder that is used in the photo below.  
I've also purchased another fancier one from Michael's, actually I purchased 2, 
but don't tell my husband.  This is secret stuff between us girls. Ok?

The room below is just lovely. 
 But I'd have to make the rug black to hide all the juice stains it would 
have in a weeks time. 
 But I sure do like the organization and the sleek style if offers.

Here we have pegboard. I love pegboard. You can paint it any color you like. 
 Add it everywhere, hang everything on it.  I just love it!

Well, that's my Craft Room ideas compliments of Pinterest.  Hope you see something here that will inspire you to be creative.  Also I have a Craft Room board on my Pinterest page, check it out if you have time.

Till we meet again,


  1. I wish my craft room looked like that!

  2. So jealous of those rooms! Although I must say it doesn't really look like a creative person works in them. I mean don't we all have 20 different projects going on at any one time? Great inspiration!

  3. These are all amazing craftrooms Angel but for me my favourite would have to be the last one in the Duck Egg colour, it is soo chic. My hubby is about to start building me a pull down work bench and I am going to go for this colour when the bench has been made. I am excited now after seeing this pic as it has given me more ideas. I only wish I had this much room, lol and not the box room that I do have. Thanks for sharing. Good luck with your craftroom.

    Michelle E xx

  4. Oh my goodness I am drooling right now. There is so much there that I want. Thank you for sharing these with us, I now have the urge to go and spruce up my craft corner.

  5. I love all of the ideas. I'll be dreaming of that first craft room!

  6. That pink table is my favorite, but all are so whimsical and bright! Thanks for the collection.


  7. Here´s definitely some great ideas, and they´re all looking sooo good. I was soo lucky, that my husbond made me the most perfect craftroom here 1½ years ago, soI can´t complain at all, as I really have a dreamroom already and it´s huge, so now my biggest problem is, that everybody seems to love it soo much too, that it´s sometime hard for me to get my space for me LOL. But that´s what I use to call luxury problems thoug ha ha ha

  8. Wowwww,many gorgeous photos,a dream have a place only for my and my creations^_^

  9. These craft rooms are absolutely amazing and brilliant. I say this as I don't have a craft room, I usually craft in my living room as I don't have a spare room. My dad made me a cupboard so that I could store more, but it has now spilled out to fill another 6 full size clear boxes!!! I would love a room where I could craft to my heart's content, I keep asking my son if he doesn't want to move out, but he has no intention of doing that!!! haha

  10. Very wonderful ideas! I hope that someday I have a large craft room like the ones you've shown. Right now I just have a wall and a desk haha.
    Thank you for linking up at my blog hop yesterday! Have a great week and I'll definitely stop by on Thursday for your link party!


  11. I don't have a craft room (it would laugh at me) but I LOVE the choices you have here.

  12. I love each and every one of these!
    Not sure I could ever be that organized though :)

  13. Wow! The green and white room with chandelier is very beautiful. All the spaces are happy spaces. Thanks for linking on Amanda's Books and More!

  14. Wow, so much beautiful ideas. Thanks for sharing.

  15. I love all of the ideas! I am very lucky and have a large room for sewing/crafting. I just can't seem to keep it neat! I also have a hard time getting in there and getting creative!

    Thank you for linking up to the In and Out of the Kitchen party! I look forward to seeing what you bring next week!

    Cynthia at

  16. These pictures make my crafting area look really skimpy :(

  17. These craft rooms are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing them at WW... but you should also share them with Inspire Me Monday so all of the crafty gals can see them!

    Have a beautiful week!

    Create With Joy

    P.S. Are you following me on Pinterest? I have a whole board dedicated to Craft Rooms as I'm always looking for great ideas! :-)

  18. I have craft room envy now!
    Please link up

  19. OMG!!! This really is indeed the room every crafter dreams of!!

  20. Thanks for the inspiration! I'm a new follower!

  21. Oh I love all of these. One day I will have one of those storage cubes under the table thing! =)

    Thank you for spreading JOY and sharing at the Oh What a HAPPY Day party.

    Holly at Not Done Growing

  22. Love all the inspiration! I did my craft room at the beginning of this year but every time I see pictures like these I want more! :-)

  23. That top photo is definitely a craft room! I do love the the pic with the thread rack. I keep my threads in a sewing basket and this would make it so much easier when I'm sewing. Perhaps, I would even get in more sewing... Saw you on LWML.


  24. Lovely!! Thanks for linking up to my Blog & Shop Hop!

  25. These are all awesome craft rooms! And that pink desk is so pretty.
    I found you on the linkin' with my ladies hop and I am now following along. ;)

  26. What a great collection of craft rooms. I would love to have one some day, but so far never have. Thanks for stopping by my blog & leaving a sweet comment. Happy to be following on Google+.

    Warmly, Michelle
    Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust

  27. Just wanted to BUZZ by and let you know this is one of the features in our party. It just went live. We would like to invite you to link up with us again.
    The Busy Bee's,
    Myrna and Joye.

  28. Great ideas. I love these rooms. We have a link party called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Blog Hop and would love to have you share this and any other posts with everyone. It runs from Tuesday night through midnight Sunday. Here is the link to the party.
    We hope to see you there.
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above

  29. I love your craft room. I like the idea of the peg board. I want one if I can talk my husband into it. He says he doesn't want it put up and then took down cause we just painted the room haha. LOL. Any way so far all I have done is paint, and put up a 6 ft table with cutting mat, sewing machines, serger, and ironing board. I am getting lots of ideas from you. Thanks for posting.

  30. Angel dear, you have added fuel to my fire! I'm currently trying to get a new job and organize my existing space (which translates into the whole darn house!! LOL). Once I land this job, I'll have enough expendable income to create a space like this and personalize it the way only I can (and may I say, only I deserve, tee hee). Thanks for sharing all these wonderful, inspiring spaces with me (and all you other wonderful people out there in blogland). So tally-ho, sally forth and all that other muck, good luck to you in getting the personal space only you deserve as well!
