
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Winters back, awe coconuts!

Good Morning Everyone
Welcome in February in my world.  I've waited for snow all season and it waits until the end of February to snow.  I went to the market this morning and within an hour this is what happened.  Ice started falling and soon it was a royal mess. 
 Below is the view from my porch 2 hours later.  It looks like it's set in for the day.  There is about a foot of snow over the ice at this time.  The woods look beautiful with the ice glistening off the branches.  It truly is a sight to see.  Snow is like anything else in life, it's all in how you view it, beautiful or dreadful, perception is everything.
 Oh well, we're home and safe so I say, "let it snow, let it snow".

Last week it was so warm we were all running around in short sleeves and lots of people had shorts on.  Today I think most people won't be running around in shorts, but I could be wrong.

The forecast is calling for a lot of ice tonight, all schools have been cancelled and there are a lot of happy kids in our area.  Last year we had a huge ice storm which crippled the area for 3 days. 
That was pretty rough.  I ended up staying at work for all 3 full days before other nurses could get in to relieve us.  We managed well and the fire department kept checking on us to make sure our generators were holding out ok.  It was rough but it was also kind of fun.  We all had to work together and take shift of 4 hours to sleep and then trade off again.  We really got to know each other better and I think we developed a true working relationship in knowing we could depend on one another.  We didn't have cook staff that could get in to work so patients had nurse cooked meals.  It was determined by the patients that we were better at nursing than cooking. Again, all in the perception.
Time for Jacob and I to go play in the snow. 
Have an awesome day!



  1. That snow looks so clean and peaceful. I don't think I could survive through a brutal winter though. I get cold in 60 degree weather.

    I'm so glad I found your blog. Following you via GFC!

    Please Come down to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop + Group Giveaway and link up and enter the giveaway!


    Jean {What Jean Likes}

  2. we have beautiful sunshine here in Australia!!

  3. Hey, new follower from the Aloha Friday Blog Hop. We've had lots of snow and snow storms here in Winnipeg, so I know what it's like! :)


  4. Lol-better at nursing than cooking! That was too funny.
    I couldn't image being stuck somewhere for 3 days. I think I'd go nuts. Our area was hit the same way. Almost t-shirt weather on one day, snow 44inches the next. KA-razy! I think we should go visit the precious commenter 'karennarelle'. Sounds like a place I'd like to go ;)

  5. The snow looks so pretty! All we've had here is rain =( Thanks for following my blog! Following back...

  6. Nice snow pics from someone who lives where it does not snow. Sometimes I am jealous.
