
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Living the Dream

Wow, what a gorgeous day.  It looks like springtime.  Hard to believe its still February.  It's Valentines Day and my husband got me a vinyls tile cutter instead of candy. He's such a romantic!  LOL
Just joking, he's actually my perfect soul mate. I don't much care for candy and I can really use the tile cutter right now for my flooring project I'm working on.  My flooring in the TV room has been ceramic for years but now with Jacob it's way to slippery so I felt it time for another DIY project.  I found some amazingly rich colored tiles and Jacob loves helping me lay them.

I'm looking forward to a lovely evening of fine dining, slow romantic dancing, warm peaceful atmosphere. Ummm, it sounds nice doesn't it.  Seriously, sounds awesome, right.  Then I woke up.
Reality is eating whatever I can chew while trying to get some food into Jacob while he flings it everywhere.  There will be dancing until dark however it will be to Jake and the Neverland Pirates music.  As far as the peaceful atmosphere, ha, this place is noise central. Ah, living the dream.

Gotta love it

1 comment:

  1. lol- I too have dates with the hubbie in my dreams. Seems like the only way it'll ever happen! But they do move out I'm told ;)
